I Mr.G.Ravindra Nath Sharma would humbly bring the following lapses in the Hospital administration to your notice which may result in a family starve to death.
That my father has died on 17th of February 2013 in M.K.C.G. Medical College Hospital, Berhampur and the medical authorities uploaded the death details in the records of Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BMC). It was when I approached the BMC for applying the Death Certificate (DC), I noticed that the name of my grand-father was wrongly recorded. I therefore postponed the application process of the DC to avoid any future complications and enquired about the possible ways to correct the details. Then I was directed back to the source (M.K.C.G Medical College hospital) where it was first recorded. They insisted me to apply it through proper channel with necessary enclosures; (a) an affidavit, (b) identity proof of my father and (c) a letter from the Municipal Councilor. I did everything accordingly, except the letter from the Councilor. I tried to catch the councilor several times in spite of my mental imbalance and other routine tasks but could not get him for the letter. However the copy of the PAN card of my father (submitted to Medical) which clearly carries his father’s as well as his name, and I think it is self-sufficient as a supporting evidence to alter the name of my grand-father but my application for correction was finally rejected. I then personally visited the office of the Medical Superintendent to suggest me an alternate way among the other documents available with me i.e. copy of Pension Payment Order or Bank Pass-book (State Bank of India) of my deceased father as a substitute. He simply denied without saying any valid reasons/logic as to how the letter from councilor serves the purpose which the other documents (PPO, Pass book) don’t.
I also know that a letter from the Municipal Councilor is required only if a person breathes his last at his residence, otherwise the data sent to the BMC, from hospital / institute where a person dies, is authentic. And in my case, as I mentioned earlier, my father died in the hospital. I am surprised how the Medical authorities have first recorded the name and other details on Good Faith without asking any ID proof but now demanding to fulfill a chain of formalities including a letter from the local councilor to correct the data in spite of supported by various ID proofs. Also the BMC doesn’t ask the relationship or authenticity of the applicant while applying a birth/death certificate. Most pitiable thing is that a certificate once issued by BMC cannot be corrected later. Finally coming to the point of exact mistake happened is –my grandfather’s name is recorded as G.V.Suryanarayana Rao instead of G.V.Suryanarayana and the word ‘Rao’ has to be removed.
However I will continue trying to catch the Councilor and get the recommendation letter from him but may God bless our family and we don’t starve to death before the pension documents are transferred in favour of my mother.
Yours Sincerely,
G.Ravindranath Sharma,
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