Address: Bhavnagar, Gujarat, 364001 |
Website: ICAI-CDS |
I ordered my ca final new syllabus books on 23rd oct, 2018 and shown in site that it is delivered to my address on 27th, but it was not received to me on 27th.
But in few days i went personally on 5th nov. At
Overnite express, kaveri complex, bhavnagar, for books
And intimate the fact to overnite express that why i have not received on time
Answer is : courier boys came to your address
But no phone calls by courier services for delivery
I went personally on 5th nov. For books
Taken delivery personally
Such poor courier services by overnite express
I am not satisfied with that.
Books weight is very large, we are paying fees to icai 22000/- for taking delivery personally.
My humble request to icai
Please change courier service or intimate overnite courier services that students are dis-satisfied and icai should take special acton against overnite courier services and remind terms of contract/agreement to overnite courier services
For the interest of ca students
In my city bhavnagar, gujarat
Total 10 students are dissatisfied with overnite express courier servces
Please take serious initiatives against overnite express for the interest of bhavnagar city ca students
Thanking you
Yours faithfully
Aashish sachdev
S. R. No. : wro0499390
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