I had got a call from imarticus stating that I'm eligible for investment banking this call was intiated by sandeep followed by sharavani the total amount for this course is 1, 10, 000 they some how made me convinced as they are very good at convincing and asked me to pay registration amount of 10, 000 as soon as posible they we're very pushy towards money but as I had no money I managed to pay 5000 as registerd amount but due to financial issue I dint wanted to join the course i caled them and said I won't be able to join your couse and this was intimated to them within one month from the date of Registration. But these guys are stating that uer money won't be refunded at any cost. But I have not even provided my details or not even started the course plss help me with this. This imarticus is really a fraud company who is collecting money from peple and cheating all of them
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