My parcel from pune was dispatched to durg on 9th january 2020. Ideally, it should have reached the destination on tuesday, or latest by wednesday. However, it has not moved from mumbai ap inland tmo since 11th january 2020, as per the consignment tracking site. The consignment number is rm[[protected]]in. The parcel contains legal notice from honorable court. Please look into the matter and deliver it to the recipient at the earliest.
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India Post customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
My parcel from Rajkot (pincode 360001)was dispatched 19th May 2021. Ideally, it should have reached the destination on 27th May 2021, or latest by 28th May 2021. However, it shows insufficient address and it shows that the parcel is with Mumbai S Zone TMO, as per the consignment tracking site. The consignment number is CG[protected]IN. Please look into the matter and deliver it to the recipient at the earliest.
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score. Read more
My parcel from Rajkot (pincode 360001)was dispatched 19th May 2021. Ideally, it should have reached the destination on 27th May 2021, or latest by 28th May 2021. However, it shows insufficient address and it shows that the parcel is with Mumbai S Zone TMO, as per the consignment tracking site. The consignment number is CG[protected]IN. Please look into the matter and deliver it to the recipient at the earliest.
If the parcel is stuck at Mumbai TMO when will the receiver will receive the parcel?