[Resolved]  Infonex — infonex scam

Captcha details :-

Work on mobile / part time/ less work/ fixed earning / no limit of income

Captcha plan

Its very simple and easy work u can do it anywhere at anytime no time limit only days limit are there u can easily complete the tasks

Max it will take 1 hour u can do it in whole day this is the best way to earn and anybody can do it but 18 plus can only join

No registration fee free of cost work so be your own boss

Total captcha : 10000

Accuracy required : 90% (9000 must be correct)

Working time : 10 days

Registration amount : 9400

Per captcha : 3

Total salary : 30000

Please download this my captcha application and install in your mobile phone and enter this id & password and watch this demo...

App link :


Demo id and password :

Demo id : c[protected]
Password :xdzeqnym

Scope of work

10000 captcha in 10 days salary = 30000

From that 1 time registartion charges will be deducted from your first salary your first salary will be 20600

After that u will get full salary and this registration is valid till 11 month than after till 11 month u dont have to pay from your salary

U will get your full salary

For your security u will get legally goverment agreement from company which will be valid till 11 months i[censored] wish u can continue it

After submission u will get the work report in 5 to 7 days and u have acheive the target so company will call u for the bank details

Than your payment will be done easily i[censored] have any work regarding issue u have to contact helpline u can call them between [10 am to 6 pm ]

And u can mail your problem the mail reward will be given in 24 hours

Login on app which provided by company side with your user id & password.
Just type and submit correct captcha.
Side job and get more earning.
On android mobile.

Terms and condition

You can only login into 1 mobile at 1 time
Payment would be done only for the correct captchas, if you complete your target in given timeline.
Completing total captchas is compulsory.
If company find any 2 login /2 logout together, 2 different ip address without any login then the company will not be responsible for the corruption of the data in online module and your i. D. Will get terminate without any intimation.

I[censored] dont complete the work or left in between or your accuracy is below 90 % than u have o pay the registration charges by yourself = 9400


 normal internet plan on your android device

If you interested with all terms & conditions then collect your any one document.

1. Aadhar card, driving license, voter id (Any one front & back side)

2. Passport size photo

3. Signature photo

Thank you for read this details...👍
And then they are calling me for mpre money as they have taken 5000
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Jan 8, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 
Company help me and mail me that complaint is resolved
1 Comment


Don't pay money

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