Address: Village kade, post tatra, dist chatra |
I would like to bring to your kind information that your Office has provided a false Electricity Bill against Consumer No. CHRS00898, Consumer ID[protected] in the name of my brother Subendra Kumar Sahu, Village - Kade, PS-Rajpur, PO- Tatra, Distrcit - Chatra and I am a permanent resident also. Your Office has generated 898 KWH consumption of electricity on[protected] and the previous month was 140 KWH given on[protected]. But the meter reading as on date is 175. How the Urja Mitra generated 898KWH urja for the month of April 2022 is not known. I have also contacted the toll free No. 1912 to raise the issue and they advised that they have registered the matter but an application is to be submitted to Chatra(North) Sub-Division but I have not get any acknowledgement for this complain from Toll Free No. 1912..
Accordingly, an application is given to your office for the same on 16.05.2022 to rectify the same but somebody in your office has advised to pay the whole bill and it will be managed monthly by under assessment of electricity consumption. It is totally the fault of your office to generate such a huge consumption of electricity.
Secondly, the previous month Bill of 140 unit for Rs. 396 has been paid but is not updating in the online system of JBVNL. As such JBVNL has raised the demand of Rs. 5, 042/- for payment. This is totally misleading and harassing the consumer from your part. May I know why the consumer is responsible for this vague electricity bill generated by your Office.
This is also to bring to your kind notice that one of the Urja Mitra named Prabhu Mobile No. [protected] was demanding Rs. 2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) to sort out this problem over mobile. This is worth mentioning that Urja Mitra has put 898KWH by knowingly which is the last three digits of consumer number(898) i.e. CHRS00898 and he has admitted over the mobile.
I, therefore, request you to kindly sort out the issue immediately and take corrective action to update the receipt money in the online system of JBVNL for hassle free payment for electric consumption and strict action is to be taken against the persons involved in it and asking for bribery in the form of Rs. 2000/-.
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