JKR Soft Company is a big scam. The company owner Name Jasmin Chauhan. He has cheated so many people, I have taken a Multi recharge website from him before 18 months ago and till now my work is not completed, he has given me so much loss in that recharge website, he never pickup the call, or when I asked him when you will complete my work he just every time tell within 2 or 3 days, from last one year I am requesting him to complete my work, but now I am complaining, and request you to take strong action against him.
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Feb 19, 2021
Complaint marked as Resolved
This complaing was post by mistake, the issue is already resolved. Sorry for the mistakenly posted complain. Thanks JKRSOFT
Trikampura Patiya, Phase 3, GIDC Vatwa, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380026 India
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