[Resolved]  www.CVNaukri.com — they cheating jobseekers

Address: Tiruvallur, Tamil Nadu

Respected sir
Please beware of this web site,
they first get your number from any job portal
and then they call and ask you do you have internet connection
and then ask you to register in their website
and then will say your profile is been selected and to get that job you want to pay 1600 ruppees .
if you pay that amount and again they will call you and ask you to pay 1600 ruppees for profile verification and they it is a mandatory process
and then they will black mail you that" if you pay only you will get the job" and they even assure you that they wont ask you any one ruppee after that.
If you pay that amount means
they will ask you to send your resume and certificates(scanned copy) to [protected]@cvnaukri.com
for profile verification with in 4 hours and will say they will call you after they got that mail but they won,t call you back.
if you make a call to them means they will say you completed the work and you will get the job of salary 3k to 5k.
and they will say with in 2 days you will get the interview call.but you get that interview call or mail ,but you will get the call from cvnaukri that to bulid the profile you need to pay 3700 ruppees and they will black mail you if you pay this amount only you will get the job.....

this things happend in my life.
i lost 3200 ruppees .

they will cal you from these numbers

like brain washing they will dictate step by step to trap you.
for transaction they using
+1 photos
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


hello atulverma123

Are you helping for cv naukri cheating business.. if so, then i ll get to know.. who's the bullsht...
I have all the evidence for what i said above in my complaint
if you u get succeed by cvnaukri show the proof here.. otherwise dont bark without any proof...

2500 or 3000 is not matter.. i paid 3200.. i didnt get any calls for job instead i got call from cvnaukri to pay 3700 extra for further..
if i pay also they continue to ask more money...
i lost money without any reason, still i didnt get any calls for job.. complaint has been raised against cvnaukri only..
if cant support me just stay away...

i dont want others to be fooled by cvnaukri

QEA — Cheats

Sigma Consulting, which claims to be a supplier of Staff for Hotels and Restaurants is a Cheat. They took Rs. 3000 from me saying they will keep sending staff as an when required. I have not been able to get in touch with them even once in 1 year. I just want everyone to beware so you dont pay these cheats any money.


Can any one suggest me this mail is really worked,can we got this AMOUNT if ill pay that TOT AMOUNT.

In india any one is there who track kind of things.

Transfer Current Percent% : 95% Done...
Bank Message: Transfer On Hold... "COT" Payment Required.

* You have not yet made the payment for the Cost Of Transfer (COT) Charges.

This is in accordance with section 13(1)(n) of the international transfer act as adopted in 1993 and amended on 3RD July 1996 by the constitutional assembly.We want you to understand that you need to pay the C.O.T charges (Cost Of Transfer ) to enable you proceed with the transfer of your winnings to your local bank account in your country.

The C.O.T means (Cost of transfer). Every bank charges a certain amount for transferring funds and it is known as the COT FEES. The C.O.T amount to be paid is £352.00 GBP(Three Hundred And Fifty-Two Pound) equivalent to 28,156.00 INR. This amount has to be paid by you before this bank will proceed with the transfer of your winning funds

The C.O.T charges is legally for licensing and coverage documentations approval signatures for the transfer before money reflects in your nominated bank accounts.

ATTN: Your C.O.T charges cannot be deducted from your funds, your funds have been protected by a professional handcover insurance policy, it has to be remitted to you in full, we advise that you kindly send the payment of 28,156.00 INR via Bank Transfer.

I hope you understand that this is a strict banking procedure aimed at given the best services to our highly esteemed customers, considereing the amount of money which you have won and also to guarantee a successful and hitch free transfer.

Note: This payment have to be made via our Account officer's details that will be sent to you immediately we receive your urgent response, you are required to contact us when you are ready to make payment to our account officer details for payment .We will provide you with our Officer Account details in your country for easy payment.

Upon your response to this mail, we will give you our account officer details for payment of C.O.T FEE.

When you are ready to make the payment,contact us so that we can provide you with Our Account Officer Details for you to make the payment for the C.O.T Fee to enable us to proceed with the transfer of your winnings to your account.I assure you that once the payment is made your winnings will be transferred to your account in your home country within 24Hrs.

Thank you for Banking with us as we promise to provide you with the best internet banking services.

For more information please contact us via this Telephone Numbers below on any information you need:

Mr. MICHAEL SMITH, (Senior Accounts Officer)
Account Department (Local/ Foreign)

International Banking Unit,
Barclays Bank Plc...



movilmobile — cheating

in december i was the distributor of movil.on 23rd dec i have resigned from movil,but till now my account has not been cleared.the main person who has cheated me is mr.sameer bhatia,his contact no.is [protected].please help

www.ipayday.com — Cheating

I have invested 7500/-rs in "http://www.ipaydaily.com/index.php" site. ith the help of there indian merchant Mrs.Asha Deshpande(Hopes2007). Below is companies investments list
Plan Deposit Range Interest Interest Duration
GET AFTER 1 WEEK - 1 301.00-500.00 107.00% 1 Weeks
Daily Plans
Plan Deposit Range Interest Interest Duration
daily 1.00-100.00 100.50% 1 Days
GET FOR 1 DAY - 2 76.00-150.00 100.85% 1 Days
GET FOR 1 DAY - 3 151.00-300.00 100.90% 1 Days
GET FOR 1 DAY - 4 301.00-500.00 100.95% 1 Days
GET FOR 1 DAY - 1 1.00-75.00 100.57% 1 Days........Below is the proof of the amount i should get from this site.
Amount Description Date
$ 20.00 withdraw commission paid [protected]:00:00
$ 20.00 withdraw commission paid [protected]:00:00
$ 20.00 withdraw commission paid [protected]:00:00
$ 100.00 fund transfered to : hopes2007 [protected]:00:00
$ 100.00 fund transfered to : hopes2007 [protected]:00:00...They took there commission from my account but they dint paid my balance amount the amount i should receive is as fallow:
Amount Description Date
$ 80.00 Withdraw Request for 100 by rohith7007 [protected]:00:00
$ 80.00 Withdraw Request for 100 by rohith7007 [protected]:00:00
$ 80.00 Withdraw Request for 100.00 by rohith7007 [protected]:00:00

Thanking you,
Raghava Raju A.V

equicomresearch.com — Cheats

They called me and said he have 85-90 % accuracy ,they gave 3 calls out of which all three calls failed.dont even think of taking this service

djmarks — cheating

indian bpo foundation alappuzha is scam... dont pay money for formfilling process.. they asking huge amount and after u cant find that consultant person or owner,,, u get only some girls ... they are not respond u .. ur money will get lost
today I got a cal from cvnaukri .
they said me that i dont want to pay any more amount .
and they will get me a job with in 7 to 8 working days..
its all bullsht, Its not like that, its good website like naukri, monsterjob, shine .. i paid 2500 to cv nauri for my sis and its helpful fr her, now she is working in Hp company ... so guys dont thik that u r paying money to cvnaukri, u r paying money for your career and its all about ur career.. 2k, 3k, its just not a big amount, and in this market, no body can provide u the job guaranteed ... cvnaukri, naukri, shine, monsterjob, they are only providing the way, how to apply and how to get easily job and interview ... thts all, hey bt beware of fake mails ... bye tc guys...
its true they not saying complete package they keep on saying something stuff. they asked me to pay 1600rs and later 1100 rs. and they are saying with 1600rs we cant forward your resume.. just they put down the call
Hey guys dont criticise him. who is the guy 2500 rs is not matter?. people are struggling for money even that guy also.
cvnaukri Are they just making fun of money? they are keep on increasing the amount.
today they called to me also and i think that anand is telling true . don't believe in cvnaukri like portals
Vikas Sharma

Hi guys. I am also getting calls on daily basis from cvnaukri.com but I am fully agree with anand that donot belive on these kind of sites as they may cheat and they never help you out to get a job because I want to make aware all and atul verma that pl. donot compare cvnaukri.com to sites loke timesjobs.com or monsterjob.com.

As anand is cheated by them why they are bargaining for registration charges like vegetables ? and why after taking rs1600 they told to give another rs1100, if anybody didnt pay they will not be going to forward cv in the company ?

So pl beware of fraud sites reg. jobs opening.
Today i recevie call from cvnaukari.com and ask to on line after she says pay 1600/- for registration this is mandatory .this job is hiden.i told her i havnot sufficent fund to pay.so she says this is one time pay.her name anu.

pls suggest what can i do?
Today I also get a call from [protected] and again repeated the same thing, which has been written by you word to word

Prashant Jadhav - Navi Mumbai
Mr. Anand,

Today I also get a call from [protected] and again repeated the same thing, which has been written by you word to word.

Thank you so much for this information!

Prashant Jadhav - Navi Mumbai
yesterday I got call from this no[protected] and guy was demanding pay RS 1600 and we will give reference ID top MNC Companies of HR.

After a lot comversation I told him that i am not ready to single penny amount to you then told at least pay Rs 600.

And he told this is hidden opportunities and it will not get every one.

I told thank you for your information, I believe this is not hidden opportunities this is hidden scams.

Then I cut the phone.

with regard
Hi All,

CVNAUKRI is definitely a fraud company.I almost got entrapped.I had a moment of brilliance and while I was talking I searched about them and got saved by reading the above and some other feedbacks. Thanks to anand_rein...You have saved me some heartache and money..
I just got call from this number and am here to see this, becoz i googgl'ed the number and happened to see this. Thanks Atul for your mind that this post is very much useful and I really surprised that concerned regulators / authorities have not raised any issue on this.

Guys, pls. be cautious...

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