Address: New Delhi, Delhi |
i received a call from number[protected] executive name Mr. Shivam on 11july2014 around 11 am, he said to me that my profile is selected from GMR POWER company and we have hidden vaccancy only you registerd on our portal than you get the confirm job letter from gmr power side only you pay 1438 rs, i asked them it is only one time payment, i asked so many times he said yes it is only one time paymen there is no other amount, so i finally convinced and pay 1438 rs.
After the payment my call is transferred to other executive his name is rahul sharma he told me to pay 6900 rs i shocked and say shivam told me it is only one payment there is no other payment than why you asked me to pay than he say it is compulsory for the company like gmr power it is neccasary process, so i make another payment through online net banking, afterthat my call is transferred to another person name abhinash singhania he again asked me to pay 5300 rs for some career services and profile related services i again shocked and refuse to pay then he told me it is also compulsory for every candidate who getting job offer from our side,
i only paid because all person convinced me that after payment you get confirm offer letter and all your amount is refund in first sallery when you join the company, so i am pay this. but this nonsense is not stopped and agIn my call transferred to another person naame mr rahul singhania he told me i am a senior hr executive and you finally pay 8910 rs, i am asked him why you taking such huge amount he said if you want a job in good mnc you pay for this, i annoyed and say when your execurive call thet did not told me you pay such huge amount, he said if you not pay your all previous payment is lost and you not get a offter letter, i am so dumb i make again the payment. finally he told me there is another amount 5700 rs to pay, this is last and final process amount, i am so fool and paid again, total amount i paid 28248 rs. after all payment rahul singhania told me that our prm (personal relationship manager - mr r.k sharma) are contact you and he is provide all information about you job letter, sallery, and date of joining, i asked him how many days to get my offer letter he said only one week, i dumbed convinced and think after one week i have my offer letter, he said to send my all education and employer certficate i send next on jobs dhamaka email id, he said it is required for background verification process so i send it next day on 12 july. after one week when there is no call from jobsdhamaka side
i called on their no-[protected], there no is busy i called atleast 20 times every times its busy tone, finally some executive pickup my call i told him and asked my job process he said your process is going on and profile varification process take atleast one month, i shocked and said you are not telling about this, and said it is third party process you are wait atleast one month, i shouted him and said transferd to my call rahul singhania who make me promisses about my job and one week duration, but they not transferring my call to them. after some days i got some bullsheet jobalerts which is not relevent my profile, and a worst resume on my mail id, which i did not asked by them, i realize that i am so dumb there is no prm, no offer letter, no confirmation, i think i lost huge amount, he is just making a false promisses to me and take my money, i called on there number finally on 10 august and saying i want to talk rahul singhania so that person say to me rahul singhania left the job and he is not in our company.
i shocked and confirmed they all cheated me i asked to talk with shivam, he say he is also not coming in the office. i mail him so many times and asked to refund my money but there is no responce from their side, i want my money back, there is huge amount 28248 rs, this job portal are cheated so many innocent people, i only wait for long time because i think i got some positive news but when i called today in their portal they again not responding they are intentionaly doing all. this all are chated people and taking money, i want my money back, please suggest team what can i do to get my money back, i want a legal action against him. please suggest me and helped me to back my money.
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