LazyPay — LazyPay-Xpress Loan - EMI Payment Dispute


My EMI for the Xpress loan was Successfully Done but in App Showed its pending when I reached to call center and the team there is no correct response, they told me to send a bank statement and I sent it more times but there is no response from the team and they are saying they didn't receive the payment but when I reached to Bank they told that this transaction is successfully complete they told me to reach to vendor, Here My Problem is not solved and it leads to my cibil score bad, Please help to resolve the problem on Priority

Jupiter Transaction Id:[protected]
Bank Transaction Id: S51692018
Transaction Date: Mar 11th 2022, 1:01:05 PM
Amount: 3150.0
Status: Success

LazyPay registered mobile number: [protected]
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Hey, We are sorry for the trouble that has been caused to you. Please note that your issue has been resolved and EMI is processing for your Xpress cash EMI please be rest assured the same will be updated as paid. In the meantime, your patience is greatly appreciated.
Mehanaaz786's [Complaint's author] reply, Apr 11, 2022
As you know due to tech issue payment is delayed now 1180 payment as late fee added in the account where the issue resolved??
Hey, We sincerely apologize for the trouble that has been caused to you. Please note that since the EMI was delayed that is the reason you were charged with the late payment charges. However, your EMI has been updated in your loan account.

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