Address: LIC of India, Nagpur City Branch-993 Oriental Building, First Floor, S. V Patel Marg, Nagpur-440001 |
I am one of the consumers of LIC India. Please see the Attached ECS confirmation letters from LIC, these letters are issued at the time of issuing the LIC policies and I wanted to make sure that both the policies (Policy no[protected] &[protected] are having the Auto debit ECS facility to deduct the annual premium. I had given details of my savings salary account to make sure, I am maintaining proper balance for any ECS deductions, even now it has enough balance to deduct the ECS altogether.
However, I have noticed that the premium was not debited by the LIC and No Annual premium deduction was made from my account. The policy is on Hold/Inactive - now.
Therefore, I requested to Reinstate/Recommence my policies without any penalties. It was clear negligence from the LIC department itself - either it is the fault of the policy issuing sales representative or the ECS department/Administration department for not taking follow up on the same.
Just for your information, I issued one more policy from LIC in Jan-2020, and medical was also conducted - the dept. could have taken the Medical report as a reference from Policy no[protected] to reinstate, but after reporting the LIC branch - the first reply was to sent the bank statement to check enough balance was maintained or not!
And after submission of the Statement - there was no reply at all till December-2020 due to their own mistake. It is more than 6 months and the LIC branch is asking to submit forms or new medical certificate even after knowing people can't travel due to corona.
I can understand if it is one month or two month's delay for not addressing the issue, but it is almost two years and nobody has observed/inform regarding such a problem of ECS payment from the LIC department.
Kindly do the needful to reinstate the policies.
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