[Resolved]  Lord Agency — Fraud KARAN

Address: Chennai, Tamil Nadu

this travel is run by karan he is mind-wash people very well and get money from candidate and send candidate to foreign for toilet cleaning but he is says you are going to admin job and also he collect huge amount i was lost my money 1 lakhs. His home is in delhi he collect all the money from peolple and cheat the people so don't go this lord agency and also send people with visiting visa if we stay after one month we should go to jail and pay some fine. his address is: Lord agency 1025, 15 central cross street m k b nagar viyasarpadi area chennai his mobile number is :[protected], [protected]
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Aug 14, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


who are you ? Please give me your tel no i will explained you .
you really give 1lakh to lordagency, i am not accept for the same, he will not get any single amount any one, onec complicated the visa process then he will asked money .
i am worked in singapore, i m coming through lord agency last year

this good company the karan sir very nice person .
i am really happy with my work

i request don't command other person life .

Ram kumar from Singapore .
In case you hadn’t noticed,
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you’re talking about?
Or believe strongly in what you’re saying?
Invisible question marks and parenthetical (you know?)’s
have been attaching themselves to the ends of our sentences?
Even when those sentences aren’t, like, questions? You know?

the lord agency is very good company the dealing person also very good, i m in malasiya coming though lordagecny, i am working with M/s. SUNCHIRN INDUSTRIES SDN BHD in Malaysia
so don't wrong massage to public

many thanks ( gunasekar )
my name is Rajkumar

i caming through Lord Agency he is very good person, i pay the total amount after visa i get it done, he will not collect any advance amount from candidate side . so the above complaint its totally wrong,

my appy copy given below for your kind ref ...

Your application
is approved
Dear Sir/Madam
We are pleased to inform you that RAJKUMAR MANOKARAN's
Employment Pass has been approved for 12 months. This InPrinciple
Approval is valid until 06 May 2015.
This letter lists the employment details for you to confirm and the
next steps you need to take so that an Employment Pass card
can be issued.
Once your pass holder gets here, please complete all the steps
on the next few pages before this IPA expires. Otherwise, we will
withdraw the approval and you will need to send him home.
Yours sincerely
Penny Han (Mrs)
Controller of Work Passes
Please confirm
the details below
If you have any changes, send them to us
(with supporting documents) using iSubmit.
We will tell you if you need to reapply.
01 JUN 1981
10 OCT 2014
Dear all

Who ever has posted comments didnot give their numbers. I want to know whether lord agency is a fraud company.

I kindly request you to guide me.

Dear All

Who ever has posted good comments about lord Agency kindly reveal your contact numbers.

Also tell me the overseas licence number of Lord Agency.
Dear Every one
My name is Miss Stella Annan I 'm 24 years old, from Dafur, Sudan country my .
Tel number is: - [protected], i really thanks to m/s Lord agency, because i need some help to lord agency at the time he will support me lot of thin without any question the same time he will not see my face on face to face only i will discussed on phone only .
today i see the website but i really upset i see the wrong complaints with M/s lord Agency.

anyway friends please don't put wrong complaints . if any one want query please call me directly .

otherwise please show your no i will telling you what you saying in the market .
Good evening every one

My Name is Raja Narayanan
Passport no H8367081
Fin No : G3160420L
my application approved date on 23-june-2015
Occupation : Asst Manager
Company Name : Teochew Restaurant Pte Ltd -Singapore
My Salary -2200SGD dollar per month

I coming through Lord Agency to Singapore, I really happy with service my family also happy

This is my personal information to every one

thanks and regards
Dear friends

Good afternoon,

Your name date of birth sex

Ajagappan manikandan 08 aug 1983 male

Nationality passport no. Fin no.

Indian g5118284 g3192106l

Date of application occupation medical required

16 jul 2015 service engineer hiv test and chest x-ray test

Period granted (Months) employer

24 soled engineering

Basic monthly salary fixed monthly allowances fixed monthly salary

S$1, 500 s$1, 100 = s$2, 600

About your salary:

Solutions pte. Ltd.

Arrived dt 21/07/2015 in singapore .

Dear sir / madam,

I would like to thank you for keeping up the excellent service you have provided me with, we received s-pass offer from lord agency he will not take any advance amount from me .

Such a commitment to great customer service is to be commended.

I was appreciated with excellent service at your branch, and i truly appreciate it.

The services offered by you and your dealership with be definitely recommended to friends and family that are keen to cantact .

I simply wanted to acknowledge your exceptional efforts, and confirm that you are an outstanding employee.

Many thanks
Dear Sir / Madam

Thank you for all your efforts in making my first car everything i ever wanted. It meets all my expectations and more.
It's been a pleasure closing the deal with you and im really enjoying my new ride.

Much appreciation.


Dear all my friend

arrived Singapore on 21/07/2015

I request

You have a right to say no whenever there is no compelling reason to say yes. In fact, the most successful people in the world are those who have mastered the art of saying no to everything that is not a priority. Acknowledge other people’s kindness and be grateful for it, but don’t be afraid to politely decline anything that takes your focus away from your core goals and priorities. That’s how to get ahead.

You might be slender, plump, tall, short, pretty, plain or whatever, but you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone for why you look how you do. Your physical appearance is your own business and you are obligated only to yourself. Physical appearance shouldn’t determine your self-worth.

Thanks and regards
this travel is run by karan he is mind-wash people very well and get money from candidate and send candidate to foreign job but he is says you are going to admin job and also he collect huge amount i was lost my money 20 thousand. His home is in chennai he collect all the money from peolple and cheat the people so don't go this lord agency and also send people with visiting visa if we stay after one month we should go to jail and pay some fine. his address is: Lord agency Lord Agency No.1/2, Lal bahadur shastri Street, Sathiyamoorthy Block, West Jafferkhanpet, Chennai-600083 cell-[protected]
shree1993's reply, Jun 16, 2018
can u pls give karan's contact no sir??
Dear all,

Please be informed you that, I know the company and the person last five to 6 year but think lot of candidate fake with the company and I direct go to visit and see the candidate passport there, for example same one not to ready to go after approval permit, some one one's approval Singapore government visa copy then ignore, some one cheating with in Singapore,

the cheating person name details are given below

Enquire - Application/Pass Status PEPOLENQM009

Requestor's Particulars

NRIC No / FIN / Malaysian New IC No : G3089910K

Foreigner's Particulars

Request made on 28/08/2015 05:38 PM

FIN : G5476057X
Application No. : A[protected]
Date of Application : 25/08/2015
Pass Type : S PASS
Status : Approved

Person no two after approval and insurance guarantee done from employer side but the candidate not go to Singapore .the case the person lass the money 500000 thousand.

Dear Sir / Madam

Acknowledgement Letter for Receipt of Banker's / Insurance Guarantee


Guarantee No. : BST[protected]

Effective From : 12/10/2015

Valid Till : 11/12/2016

No. of Workers : 1

Total Amount : $5, 000.00

Today date the candidate fake with agent and cheating with agent, the cheated candidate only issue the fake complaints created to consumer complaints .

the person are true and genuine then why should show the phone nos and other address details so first of thing you please verify first then go to apply to oversees otherwise don't west your time and other person time and don't entertained with other's

The person very soft and genuine my brother go to Singapore through lord agency and get salary per month 1.25, lakh
company name Keppel alpine direct company under ( general manager posting )I really appreciate it.I like the attention and focus that the Healing Crystals team has on its customers.

Many thanks
Dear all
I m shree, I tried a job through lord agency in singapore.Now Karan has my passport .He told to get it, due to some work I forgot. Unfortunately I missed his contact no.Pls anybody knows his contact no means pls give me, , my mail id: [protected]@gmail.com

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