A man hole is open in front of my house for a long time, kindly repair it as soon as possible.
Grievance Id [protected]
The status is showing solved but there was no action taken by Lucknow Nagar Nigam.Status is showing closed.
Complaint Assigned To D.D. GUPTA-Nagar Abhiyanta([protected]) and S.K.Ambedkar-Chief Engineer([protected])
Both phone numbers are also not in function.
The status is showing solved but there was no action taken by Lucknow Nagar Nigam.Status is showing closed.
Complaint Assigned To D.D. GUPTA-Nagar Abhiyanta([protected]) and S.K.Ambedkar-Chief Engineer([protected])
Both phone numbers are also not in function.
Complaint regarding sewage blockage in e-5/10 have been filed by me 4 days ago. No action has been taken yet.
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a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
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+91 94 1560 7789
NIC District Unit, Room No.26, Collectorate, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India - N/A