I have applied for the ration card RC number & Bharat Ayushman witb Abha cards for 3 family members at CSC Islampur Tal. Walva, Dist . Sangli near Tahail office & paid Rs. 500 to the CSC owner Mr. Jayant Pawar (mobile number +[protected] on Friday 16th August evening. But now when I'm approaching him for the status of Ayushman, Abha cards with RC number after almost 2 weeks he is not responding to calls or messages after repeated attempts. He may have cheated other public also by overcharging without doing the actual work for which the money has been paid to him.
So please look into the matter urgently & take necessary action against the mentioned Maha E Seva Kendra owner so that we can get the necessary government services at the earliest without any delay at the right time & right price.
Sangram Jadhav
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