Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
a company is at responding and resolving complaints by granting from 1 to 5 stars for each
complaint and then ultimately combining them all for an overall score.
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+91 12 4289 8747
+91 12 4462 8747
+91 12 4462 8765
Tower A, SP Infocity 243, Udyog Vihar, Phase 1, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122016
MakeMyTrip has observed that certain users of its mobile app have been indulging in fraudulent means to earn Bonus wallet money. We have been identifying such fraudulent users and are cancelling their bookings where any part of the payment was made with such illegal Bonus money.
The email is addressed to you as your recent booking bearing Booking is identified to have been made by paying such illegal Bonus wallet money.
In case you consider that your booking is genuine (not paid with illegal Bonus wallet money) please respond to this email on - [protected] within 24 hours of receipt of this email. You are requested to state the Booking ID, email ID and mobile number used at the time of booking in the email.
In case we don't receive an email from you, your booking will be cancelled and your account will be suspended. MakeMyTrip shall not assume any liability towards such cancellations.