Dear adjective
My mts donges useing now so how can you please my mts dongel number is "HAS
LOST" I don't recharge this USB modem (mts dongel) pls introductions ...
I have a no idea..
Then get back my dongles number
What the process to the solution
My mts donges useing now so how can you please my mts dongel number is "HAS
LOST" I don't recharge this USB modem (mts dongel) pls introductions ...
I have a no idea..
Then get back my dongles number
What the process to the solution
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+91 12 4481 2500 [Corp. Office]
MTS Towers 334, Udyog Vihar, Phase-IV, Gurgaon, Haryana, India - 122001
From last 4-5 years I am using MTS no. but now I am unable to do anything using this no. I want to port it with other service provider but there is no MNP code provided by them as I checked this company will closed their business from 30 Nov, 2017. Please help me.
my mail id: [protected]