Address: Bijnor, Uttar Pradesh, 242220 | Website: |
I don't understand what is the meaning of this website ( registration form or login form where user can't even register with the bill no and account no as the bill no[protected] characters and account no[protected] characters and in the registration form its taking maximum 17 and 10 character. Also in the feedback form in the same website the fields for account number and sc no taking only 10 and 12 characters while the bill no and account number are of 18 and 12 characters.
I have couple of complaint related to the bill details.
I have taken the connection on 30th august 2014.
Name shanti swaroop awasthi
Tl-1/1771/177699 1 kw/lmv-1
Since then there was no meter/no wire to my house and we are using other sources for electricity consumption to my house - water engine/solar power.
Couple of weeks back we got the electricity charges bill of more than 18k and forced from the department to pay the bill as soon as possible.
Even the officers visited to the house to check whether there is any line/connection/meter done and found there was no connection/meter/wire and they said that you get the wire, we will connect with the line but you have to pay the old bills.
On what basis we have to pay the bill?? If there is no line/wire?
Please take the case on urgent basis.
Shanti swaroop awasthi (Advocate)
Vill and post chaurasi
Shahjahanpur, up 242220 Was this information helpful? |
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