I have ordered an evening gown with order id 112940653946221364503 with small size worth rupees 29490. Received on 7th jan with medium size and no tags on dress. I raised a returned request on the same day to return it as it was too large for me to wear. Mytra pickup boy denied to pick it up as it has no tags on it and he entered wrong comments that i have used the dress in his system. When i complained myntra that this is their fault that they did not check the dress size and price tag before sending it to me. They declined my request saying that it has tags in it. When i asked them about what it the proof that the tags were their on the dress like any pick or vedio recording then they changed their statment that this dress has some odor. I asked them multiple times to send a proper verification officer to my house so that he can check. The dress is absolutely fine and its not used. But they denied saying that our pickup boy is verification office. I also told them that this dress is not my size so i can't use, but these guys has no vedios, no pics that can proof the tags were their and they are not even ready to send proper verification team. They just trust their pickup boys comments and declined my request. Please resolve this issue as the product is not my size and is of no use for me now.
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