Address: House no 2257 Sector 7 kurukshetra, Kurukshetra, Haryana, 136118
My issue is missing shoes i purchased a product from myntra that will delivered on 28 oct when i opened the box is empty then i raise a request on myntra recently then they give me a time to provide resolution on 31 oct. When i checked my email on 31 oct they tell me my complaint is declined from team. They does not helping me regarding my product. I tell every time nd discused about what will be i do they does not provide any resolution. Please help me about they didn't help me.
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Nov 04, 2019
Updated by Rajinder Kumar12 I also tried call regularly and they tell me we didn't help me about this order. i pay money at the they tell me we delivered our product very safely and also once we declined your they can't help and didn't provide any resolution.
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I have raise return request on 18th oct2019 but from tat no 1 came to pick the product and no 1 is picking the call