As I had placed an order with Order ID 119072937315087230101. I had received the original product with all brand tags and labels, As due to size fit issue tried for exchange but it was not possible as address is not eligible for exchange purposes, So I returned the original product with unused and unwashed condition. But after some days order status showed that the product failed on 15th Dec 2021 at quality checks so returned was rejected and re-shipped product delivered to me after 2 weeks of time. But as a customer I hope so it is customers right to know what was the actual issue with the product quality check details, why the product is rejected at quality checks, just saying quality checks failed means how customers should receive it when there is no fault from the customer end. Raised issue on 29th Dec2021 for Re-investigation, But there also said told same reason as quality checks failed.
As I returned the original product with brand tags, unused and unwashed condition. I would like to request myntra team to provide a proper reason why it had been rejected when I sent the original product only. Kindly check the details and do the needful.
Please reach me out through mobile [protected] for any other queries. Was this information helpful? |
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