— Return is not allowed as account was terminated after delivery
Feb 25, 2022
Myntra decided to lock my account saying I have violated security terms without a single notification or warning. Even my order was accepted, they locked it after delivering the items because they knew that if they lock after the delivery I wont be able to return. This is so unfair and injustice to customers like us. Anyways I reached out on mail [protected] and their customer care to at least return items because while placing the order I was said return is possible till 30 days from delivery. After multiple calls and follow ups, received a response that "Since your account is locked, you can't return the products". They just mention I have violated clause 4 & 12 but none of them could provide the exact reason and they can't even do anything about it. This is how they have started cheating the customers and clearly myntra doesn't value its customers. Even if its unfair, I know no action will be taken as Myntra is a brand now and we are just stupid customers. Still raising this complaint with a little hope that Myntra will at least accept the return.
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