Naaptol Online Shopping — looting money by providing incorrect info in the advertisement
Sarath Girish
from Mumbai, Maharashtra
Aug 7, 2017
Address: Ernakulam, Kerala, 682005
Purchased a product from naaptol company by watching tv advt. The order number is: 38136528 i received this product on 07/08/2017, after receiving the product, i was shocked. I ordered for a purple container set of 43pcs. Even if the door delivery was on time the products what i received was totally different from what dey advertised. I ordered for purple container set and what i received was half of what they advertised and the rest was in white color. Out of the total 43 pieces dat dey advertised dey delivered just 23 pcs n it was mentioned that the lid of the container s also counted. Apart from these drawbacks the worst cums wen u make a call 2 deir customer care. Its heard dat companys should treat customers as their god. However those responsible people at the other end r so ridiculous n impatient dat dey r not even ready 2 hear why deir customer made such a call 2 dem
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So I would advise to send email to all Mitsui guys Shinchi & Morimotto & CCing founder & fraundster Manu & Khan.Email are below,
Cheatol-Delivering Disaster !