My adhar no[protected] when fill scholership form in digital gujarat, I have compalin in bank
but they have to linked 3 to 4 days .In past i have allready linked with NPCI server.
Due to this, i am unable to fill scholer ship form.Please help me in this.
my mobile no [protected]
but they have to linked 3 to 4 days .In past i have allready linked with NPCI server.
Due to this, i am unable to fill scholer ship form.Please help me in this.
my mobile no [protected]
Customer satisfaction rating Customer satisfaction rating is a complex algorithm that helps our users determine how good
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My adhar no[protected] when fill scholership form in digital gujarat, I have compalin in bank
but they have to linked 3 to 4 days .In past i have allready linked with NPCI server.
Due to this, i am unable to fill scholer ship form.Please help me in this.
my mobile no [protected]