I had purchased the nissan micra xv cvt bearing reg no. Kl9 aj 8248 from pinnacle nissan thrissur kerala under invoice no. Vslb1500401 dated on 26 th augest 2015 vin no. Mdhfbuk13f7000974
On 3rd augest 2017 i was travelling with my family from ernakulam to palakkad, kerala in the car. When we reached a place called chalakudi thrissur dist. People traveling alongside informed us the smoke is coming out from rear bottom of the car. I was shocked and stop the car quickly got out of it. With in a minute the entire car was engulfed in flame it was burnt down completely. Fire force was called to extinguish the fire along side the local police
My family narrowly escaped the cluthes of death and we have lost our personal belongins in the fire
As per coimplaint registered (C[protected]n) a technical team from nissan investigated the issue and intimated us the established cause of fire as sack burnt after contacting exhaust muffler and damaged fuel tank which lead to the untword incident
I am really surprised and disappointed to hear such a silly reason from a credible car manufacturer like nissan motors. Nowadays people purchase a car based on the cresh test result and various other features and nissan is coming up with explanation that the car burnt down just because of a sack got into the exhaust muffler. Don't you feel that it is a very silly excuse? Is nissan safety norms that much poor? Your statement is true how can we trust nissan vehicle and drive it through the road. Because any time a sack or other meterials can got into the muffler and burnt the vehicle completely it is just because of god s grace and timely intervention from public we narrowly escaped from the death. Who would take the responsibility of any casuality had occoured
Also i woule like to high light the cold response we have received from the company after this incident was reported. I didn t expect company to come up with explanation and inform us about the steps company was planing to do. But that didn t happened and i am really disappointed the way in which costomers are treated
Even the reason of sack getting into muffler and damage the fuel tank and therby burning down the entair vehicle is communicated by the dealer and not by the nissan motors directly. I purchased it because i trusted nissan, so except explanation from the manufacturer and the technical expert directlyand not the dealer
An early replay is expected
C vijayan
Palakkad - kerala
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