[Resolved]  Rajat Nayar Astrologer — Rajat Nayar is a fraud astrologer appearing on TV

Address: Delhi

I can’t say anything regarding the knowledge of Astrology Mr Rajat Nayyar has present in him but I’m sure he has got excellent Marketing Skills!!! He charges Rs.15000/- per horoscope per visit because he creates videos of him for his advertising in some studio along with some female anchor which costs him lot of money (can’t say whether letters read by the anchor in his programs are real or fake!!!).

Secondly he gets transmitted those videos on various TV channels which costs him lot of money.

Thirdly he is maintaining various websites on the internet in which he claims that various film stars have contacted him so far but he hasn’t provided any concrete proof of this. It seems that he himself developed content of those sites which can’t be said as wrong.

He is maintaining a call center to attend various phone calls in which he has employed various girls to handle phone calls & he would be spending a lot of money on all this!!!

He continuously travels from one town to another town of India to meet clients of various cities for which he is spending lots of money. while travelling he has to stay in hotels for which again he has to spend lots of money.

So you see Mr Rajat Nayyar is completely justified if he is charging Rs.15000/- per horoscope!!!… because he is investing a lot of money on his marketing!!!… can’t say how much competent he is actually as an astrologer!!!
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Aug 13, 2020
Complaint marked as Resolved 


Sanjay B Jumaani and RajatNayarboth are Fraud and Fake Astrologers.
Hi. I am Prema Lobo from Bangalore. I personally met Nayyarji. I found whatever he said was very very true. I hv not yet done the upaays which he had suggested but when i had consultation with him I was surprised of certain facts he told me with the help of palmistry. Am still to do the upaay. Am hoping for good. Am sure to reach heights with the upaays he suggested me. Thank you Nayyarji.

Prema Lobo. Bangalore.
I truly agree with Vivek bajaj, Rajat Nayar is a fraud ASTROLoger, he is an ###, stupid ASTROLoger who doesn't even know the basics of ASTROLogy. All his horoscope readings were untrue and he gave us some upaays which were totally not right and were pointed out to be not to be done.
He is a ### appearing on TV with a highly paid anchor... that's it.

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