I get into this job through my laptop as this is an online captcha job, the company first told me to sign the agreement and start the work of captcha filling which is (10000 captcha filling till 12th day) if i fail to pay they will charge me 5000 rupees i agreed there work and to start filling captcha, my session of work doesn't started and one day got over. And also there is many problems in this site like captcha not entering properly and other, while typing the captcha we cannot distinguish the difference between letters like l i and | (Slash).
At 12th day they called me and said to pay 5100/-. I paid the amount.
After one day i received a legal notice to pay 31500/- for breaching the contract.
I paid and they send me no objection certificate.
Now, today i received mail from a advocate sayin that to pay 18500/-. I said i already got noc from legal department of oval solution. But they are saying to pay 18500/-. I am very scared. Please help me
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