I would like to give the feedback against the installation service request with reference number l[protected] is below 0 as because the tv is not installed properly. The measurement of the wall mount is not good and the tv is not straightly installed and one side is down and another side is up. Moreover they told me that the thickness of the wall is needed to be over 5 inch and our walls are more than 5.5 inch but they told me that they cannot fix the screw and metal screw holders due to the thickness and instead they used plastic holders for the screw and on only 4 such screw they installed the whole tv which weights around 9 kgs and they also took the rest of the metal screw and screw grabber and other such nuts and bolts an on asking he told me that he had exchange those screws and metal bolts etc with those plastic screw holder. Moreover he silently also tried to take away the screws of the table stand and on asking he gave two screws from his bag. I want to know how can he exchange 10 big screws and 4 screw holders with those plastic screw holders. What will i do if these plastic holders come out of the wall. Who will take the responsibility of the tv. It will be very much helpful if you look into the matter soon. Why they use such plastic and cheap things instead of those metal objects given with the tv.
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