Paise refund kar do
Dear sir:
I have apply the pancared I didn't received the approval kindly help me
I have apply the pancared I didn't received the approval kindly help me
Transaction made on 25th of may 19, on 4th June some documents were submitted, now they don't attend any of the phone calls and so not reply to any of the mails I send.
It's a big scam. There is no company called Pandind. They're a bunch of scammers who have joined hands to fool people. I had paid paid Rs. 500 for a pan card and now the company has vanished. Nobody picks ups their call because it's a dummy phone line. People should file FIRs against these low lifes.
It's a scam, I paid 500 rs and waited for pancard and it's been 2 months now and they are not replying my mails and contact no is unavailable. Guys kindly don't apply from this website it's a fraud company
Had applied for Reissue of my lost PAN with Application ID (SY-[protected]LO) along with my required ID proof, Address Proof and DOB proof, which were my copy of Aadhar and PAN card, but now they have been asking for my 10th Certificate. which I feel is just an excuse, I have requested for refund but not sure if I will get it.
I completed correction fee 107rs but paymentNot successful please help
Dear PANIND Team
I don’t know how to deal with you on this, again you people are lying that you have not received the documents.
I give you the proof
Please check the tracking number U15174756 which had been received by your department.
Again you can give excuse that its missing and again ask me to resend the documents.
The way of your working is really shamefull.
Three times I have applied and paid the fees, sent the Documents and still not able to find any solution.
Please Please Please folded hand request to you to process my request as soon as possible
Otherwise I will have to spread this on all social accounts.
Sanjay Yogi
Sent from Mail for Windows
From: [protected]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2022 6:02 PM
To: Sanjay Yogi
Subject: RE: Re: Re: PAN Application. Your Coupon Number has been Generated
Dear Applicant,
We have not received your Application form in hard copy, as soon as we receive the same the verification team will look into it & contact you shortly.
Please note: Due to the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions on the movement we regret to inform you that our team is operating from Home and are currently working with 50% capacity. There might be a delay of about 7 to 14 days, depending on the nature of the services. Also, there might be a delay in getting the response from the Department due to the pandemic. We hope you understand the reasons behind this inconvenience – rest be assured that we will be working diligently to provide the best of our services.
Email : [protected]
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and any printout thereof. Thank you for your compliance."
[protected] Original Message[protected]
Subject: Re: Re: PAN Application. Your Coupon Number has been Generated
From: "Sanjay Yogi"
Date: 2/18/22 3:18 pm
To: "[protected]"
Dear Team
Its was really great experience with your service. it has been 2 months struggling with you people for a tiny change (Interchange of surname and name in fathers name )
I couriered all documents on 7th feb, your office received the courier on 8th and on 15th when I asked you for the update,
you are again (Thrid time) asking for the same documents.
Consignment Details...
Shipment No.: U15174756
Reference No.: [protected]
Booking Date.: 07th feb'22
Booked By:
Last Status Date: 08th feb'22
Last Status Remarks: Successfully Delivered
Please try to find in this consignment.. if it is really not possible, Please order me to personally visit your Delhi office and handover to you
then you might satisfy
It shows the carelessness of your team.
I don’t know how to deal with you on this, again you people are lying that you have not received the documents.
I give you the proof
Please check the tracking number U15174756 which had been received by your department.
Again you can give excuse that its missing and again ask me to resend the documents.
The way of your working is really shamefull.
Three times I have applied and paid the fees, sent the Documents and still not able to find any solution.
Please Please Please folded hand request to you to process my request as soon as possible
Otherwise I will have to spread this on all social accounts.
Sanjay Yogi
Sent from Mail for Windows
From: [protected]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2022 6:02 PM
To: Sanjay Yogi
Subject: RE: Re: Re: PAN Application. Your Coupon Number has been Generated
Dear Applicant,
We have not received your Application form in hard copy, as soon as we receive the same the verification team will look into it & contact you shortly.
Please note: Due to the prevailing COVID-19 restrictions on the movement we regret to inform you that our team is operating from Home and are currently working with 50% capacity. There might be a delay of about 7 to 14 days, depending on the nature of the services. Also, there might be a delay in getting the response from the Department due to the pandemic. We hope you understand the reasons behind this inconvenience – rest be assured that we will be working diligently to provide the best of our services.
Email : [protected]
CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is intended only for use by the addressee(s) named herein and may contain confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this e-mail, and any attachments thereto, is strictly prohibited. If you have received this e-mail in error, please permanently delete the original and any copy of any e-mail and any printout thereof. Thank you for your compliance."
[protected] Original Message[protected]
Subject: Re: Re: PAN Application. Your Coupon Number has been Generated
From: "Sanjay Yogi"
Date: 2/18/22 3:18 pm
To: "[protected]"
Dear Team
Its was really great experience with your service. it has been 2 months struggling with you people for a tiny change (Interchange of surname and name in fathers name )
I couriered all documents on 7th feb, your office received the courier on 8th and on 15th when I asked you for the update,
you are again (Thrid time) asking for the same documents.
Consignment Details...
Shipment No.: U15174756
Reference No.: [protected]
Booking Date.: 07th feb'22
Booked By:
Last Status Date: 08th feb'22
Last Status Remarks: Successfully Delivered
Please try to find in this consignment.. if it is really not possible, Please order me to personally visit your Delhi office and handover to you
then you might satisfy
It shows the carelessness of your team.
Totally irresponsible firm, do not recommend anyone to get anything done from
I had applied for a small correction in my pan card. but it has been nearly 3 months, there is no single step forwarded in the process.
I have applied 3 times and send the documents. but still there reply is always same "we have not received the hard copy of the documents." while I have sent the Courier Receipt to them and then also but they have no effect. they are just like you are talking to a bufallo.
written dozens of mail to them and tried to call at there customer care number. but no response.
Request you people not to engage in such Nonsense companies and waste your time and money.
I had applied for a small correction in my pan card. but it has been nearly 3 months, there is no single step forwarded in the process.
I have applied 3 times and send the documents. but still there reply is always same "we have not received the hard copy of the documents." while I have sent the Courier Receipt to them and then also but they have no effect. they are just like you are talking to a bufallo.
written dozens of mail to them and tried to call at there customer care number. but no response.
Request you people not to engage in such Nonsense companies and waste your time and money.
स्टेप 1: पैन के लिए आवेदन करने के लिए
स्टेप 2: अपनी कैटेगरी को चुनें-
New Pancard, Correction/Lost, Minor Pancard.
स्टेप 3: पैन फॉर्म में सभी आवश्यक जानकारी जैसे नाम, जन्म तिथि, ईमेल आईडी और अपना मोबाइल नंबर भरें
स्टेप 4: फॉर्म जमा करने पर, आपको अगले तरीके के बारे में एक मैसेज मिलेगा
स्टेप 5: एक बार भुगतान(Payment) करने के बाद, पेमेंट स्लिप जेनरेट हो जाएगी, अब Continue पर क्लिक करें l
स्टेप 6: Send document[protected]
-Aadhar, colour photo, signature
स्टेप 2: अपनी कैटेगरी को चुनें-
New Pancard, Correction/Lost, Minor Pancard.
स्टेप 3: पैन फॉर्म में सभी आवश्यक जानकारी जैसे नाम, जन्म तिथि, ईमेल आईडी और अपना मोबाइल नंबर भरें
स्टेप 4: फॉर्म जमा करने पर, आपको अगले तरीके के बारे में एक मैसेज मिलेगा
स्टेप 5: एक बार भुगतान(Payment) करने के बाद, पेमेंट स्लिप जेनरेट हो जाएगी, अब Continue पर क्लिक करें l
स्टेप 6: Send document[protected]
-Aadhar, colour photo, signature
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