Address: Ahmedabad, Gujarat |
Dear Sir / Madam,
I had applied for renewal of my passport on 1-December-2014, and I have not received my passport till date after repeated follow ups in person to regional passport office at Ahmedabad. I was assured of all clearances in February, and was told that I would receive my passport. After the provided assurance, I decided to take my travel trip outside state to Pune, and now I am being requested to resubmit my pension documents to same officer, who previously acknowledged and accepted my pension related submitted documents in early January-2015.
Below, I have furnished exact details chronologically for your reference. I am an old senior citizen, and I plead you to look into this matter and help me address my grievance, and procure my renewed passport.
Subject - Delay in renewal of passport of senior citizen.
Passport Applicant Name - Jitendra P. Shah
Date of Birth - 22nd November, 1944
File Number - AH[protected]
Reference Number - SCN/[protected]/1902/15
# 1-December-2014 - I applied for passport renewal.
# 5-January-2015 - I submitted as requested my pension order and other necessary documents related to my retirement at Regional Passport Office (RPO) in Ahmedabad, at window number 9. I was given acknowledgement of documents by - PSP-1524 AK. I was assured that I will receive passport by January-2015 end.
# 5-February-2015 - I followed up on my passport issuance status, and I was informed that few officers are on leave, so I will get it within 15 days.
# 25-February-2015 - Since I did not receive my passport, I again followed up at RPO and now they informed me that my application and passport are on ‘HOLD’.
# 26-February-2015 - I revisited RPO around 10 AM. I was informed by Mr. Abhishek, that a police report of loss of passport has been filed by Kalupur Police Station. I requested him to show the report, so he asked me to visit him at 3 PM. I visited him at 3 PM and he shows me police report of somebody who has completely different name, photograph, and details. Officer looks at my cancelled passport and confirms the error, and assures me that I will get my passport within 10 days.
# 13-March-2015 - We logged request in online form for grievance cell and requested vigilance cells ([protected], [protected], [protected] to look into this matter. We did not receive any response, feedback, or passport.
# 27-March-2015 - We again received the letter to submit my pension order documents (signed by PSP-1524 AK), I had already submitted these documents before on 5th January, 2015 with acknowledgement of documents from same officer - PSP-1524 AK.
# 4-April-2015-I again logged request online to (1)- Public Grievance a cell-Shri Suresh Rana (Assistant Passport Officer), (2)- Regional Passport Officer-Ahmedabad-Mr. Z.A. Khan ( Regional Passport Officer), and (3)- Office Of The Chief Passport Officer-Shri Muktesh K. Pardeshi ( Joint Secretary PSP, & CPO).
# 6-April-2015- I re-submitted all pension papers as per demand. It is acknowledged by same officer-PSP-1524 AK. I have received the SMS of " your response to show cause notice INW/12980838/15 has been received for your file no. AH[protected] on 06/04/2015".
also. Status of my application on website also has been updated as "reply received".
# 12-May-2015 - till today, I haven't received my passport. Requesting your help while awaiting for my passport!!! I need your help to get my passport renewed as earliest as possible.
I request you to kindly look into this matter and address my grievances.
Jitendra P. Shah
Cell # +91-[protected]
Cell # +91-[protected]
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