In 7th of march, i received a call from a girl named pooja patel, who was contacting for work from home job. She told that we could join and earn ₹22500 monthly by just filling up 900 forms in 9 days. I was hesitating but she kept on calling and calling until i was fed up and received her call. She anyhow convinced me, and took my adhaar card photo. Then anyhow i completed the work and submitted it. I am sure i have typed almost everything correct. The rule they had was of making 810 forms correct. I am completely sure i have at least 810 forms correct. They made a pdf file and made it password protected, and told me to download it. Then they told us to wait for the qc report. After the qc report came, they gave the password to the pdf file and we saw that the qc report had failed. After checking, i found that i had a lot of mistakes, which is impossible. Now, they mailed about paying ₹4700 as fees, but a day after another mail came where we had to pay ₹15820. How is that possible? Please help me. I am a lower class family and i needed money, so i did that work. But now, they are harassing me and blackmailing me about legal cases. Was this information helpful? |