Pool Finder Water Detector Hyderabad — made in hyderabad working on bearing

Address: Hyderabad, Telangana

We have tested this pool finder water Detector today at 3 sites. Nothing but an L Rod. L rod works better.

After purchasing this machine when we contacted and told it's like toy. Their answer is it is just Designed like GER fresh result 1. This person complained about all other products when I went to Hyderabad for purchase.

Now he tells there is no better machine than pool finder.

Now he switch off from three days he don't receive call ask his assistant fraud person to contact. Machine don't have sensor or reading anything he promoting Germany both GER and pool finder from Hyderabad only no Germany office.

You purchase from Germany they tell no sales contact turkey or Pakistan for GER.

For pool finder no office in Germany. They giving USA phone number but nobody receive.

All operations from Hyderabad only.

Be carefully all machine manufacturing in Hyderabad and telling germany, Japan, Italy and all.
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May 20, 2019
Updated by Nikkihobby99
Pool finder water detector does not have a manufacturer in Germany. Although we have posted this complaint there is no representative to speak about our issue.

Beware of you purchase this pool finder water detector, even if you post your complaints nobody will reply.

It is made in Hyderabad we gave police complaints and now they accept it is not made in Germany.

The system turns off within 10 days after your purchase it is not worth more than Rs. 5000.

He sells for 60000 if you bargain he also gives up to 40000.

If it's a real working product why should he sell like vegetable prices.

Think before you pay.



The above message from VYSALY DETECTORS PVT LTD HYDERABAD is all true as per my knowledge i being a friend for Mr PRASHANTH KUMAR TOODI know him very personally and know his behaviour . He doesnt cheat people with the name of business the above msg from some person prashu and pool finder is all a flase and is done to mislead people and make Mr prashanth's business reputation low in everyone.Hence a serious action to be taken on such fellows for spreading rumours and making a good person bad in all people.If you people have issue with the bussiness you need to sit down and talk but not spread such rumors and fake news. Please stop such cheap mentality issues guys.

For more details you can also call me on my number:[protected] this is my personal number anyone can call and ask i am ready to answer before posting some rumors and fake news provide your contact numbers if you really have guts.
Waste product no technology just one box mounted on a handle, seller promises various accuracy to the ground all fake.

There is no company called zeodetect in Germany you can just check register of companies website which is free from Europe firm registration. You will now know it is fraud.

Zeo detect is the company name and pool finder is the product name. But both are not registered

If you use the product if you handle it keeps on rotating where ever you want.

Before purchasing contact all the dealers in India, you will know the truth.

Rkghule's reply, Jul 5, 2019
This person don't use this machine now directly contact this person and ask about pool finder he will say all truth.

He exchange for GER old piece from sudhakar reddy.

Pool finder case in cybercrime about not working simply telling technology
First you confirm 3D L is made in Italy, They already confirmed it is Indian product,

But as name of Ger Distributor you are copying all GER products, All your GER products ( Copied in Hyderabad),

Dont purchase any Detectors from Vysali Detectors Pvt Ltd, All are copy products, worth not more than 20000 Indian rupees,

Dont purchase even we got information they are making copy of Titan 500 and 1000 and deep seeker and fresh 2 System and one System and gold Hunter.

Beware before purchasing with Vysali Detectors Pvt Ltd.
Hello Friends,

I had purchased GER Gold hunter and 3D water locator, both are working very good, vysaly person provide good trainning and best services, whenever i call him he will lift my call and will respond and guide me.from filed in will call him video call he will guide me in video call.

I am very happy with vyslay detectors services, he will become best detectors in south india.
My request to all users do not belive fake complaints on vyslay detectors, there are the best, once if you approch you will know about them.

Thank you.
Raguram geoogist's reply, Jul 6, 2019
Sudhakar reddy is a fraud he copy pool finder fake device so he is removed from GER u can contact directly GER detect company to know truth
Hey you Mr.nickyhoob iD please post the proofs..don't be faking negative...vyshali detectors company is an authorized company with good feedback from his customers
Only one person posting fake complaints on vysaly detectors, do not belive such complaints, my suggestion is once you meet Vysaly detectors sir you can know about hisbl knowledge and product explination.

Vyslay sir we are with you we do not belive such fake complaints posted by Nicky Hobbi .
Ugendar's reply, Jul 5, 2019
Plege help my cash pool finder fake machine no call recive
Am extremely interested in reading this complaints as all the complaints related to this Detector business are posted only via compititors, there is no real complaint posted by customer experience.

We know who are genuine and who are fake. Explanations are not required about any concern.
Pool finder is an 100% scam which is well known by all the customers and Distributors in India.

Pool finder named after zeodetect which is expressed as a Germany company and promoted as made in Germany.
Doesn't know already a company named after German collapsed the market.

If country is fake that's ok but when even the product is fake it's unbearable.

When you post a complaint and when you get a reply for your complaint understand the statregy.

If you want us to highlight your products working we are ready to do the same.

Unwantedly you speak about your compititors and make them to extreme compititors level where you loose without confidence.

Germany address fake
Product fake
Dealers fake
Totally fake.

Cheat customers quitely don't tickle othes. You will spoil your career. There are lot of haters for your fraud throughout India.

If you want to prove about your product speak about pool finder zeodetect fake news not tickling everyone.

Valuable customers of vyshali detectors... please ignore the badmouthing of Mr.nickyhobbi...as he is a faking badge ... South Indias no.1 dealer is vyshali detectors company only... company reached successful customer satisfaction and delighted smile...that's the beauty of the company...better ignore the fake gawking of Mr.nickyhobbi.
Help me pool finder scam my money no return, phone not attending telling message only.

Sudhakar big scam help me, immediately vysally sir I calling you please help.

I am ready to put case. I will call your number.

Pool finder inside nothing telling it can water find.

14 points fail huha
### person 2016 cheated my friend selling GER fresh result 2 fake product. We return machine he give only 1 lakh. After continue phone he told I will give pool finder.

Pool finder nothing you walk it go left right stopping rotation.

I told it want.

Fraud person Sudhakar cheating all customer don't believe he don't receive phone after selling.
Zeodetect pool finder not made in Germany 100% fake it is made in Hyderabad by agrigel sudhakar reddy in new nae groundwater equipments.

In Maharashtra no one should use this product it is banned by agriculture association due to high failure..

If you want more details directly go to his office he will say all false statement, he will not pick calls always tells lies.

Pqwt and pool finder his own manufacturing in one shop at Hyderabad, he will say coming from Germany, Germany address is fake you contact Germany phone number ask all questions then you will know truth.

GER&pqwt removed him from their distribution due to his cheating business contact them directly through their website to real face
Pool finder made with one plastic box and handle nothing inside that, there are lot of complaints on him, you call him and tell I brought one machine from you and it is not working, he will reject your call and will not attend from next time.

There are 3 people with him nobody response if problem they will say do what you can.

They keep on changing company name.

Agrigel first start selling fake powder which can recharge groundwater.

Now selling pool finder scam

Next again new model I don't know what is the true.

Please don't get scammed
### person 2016 cheated my friend selling GER fresh result 2 fake product. We return machine he give only 1 lakh. After continue phone he told I will give pool finder.

Pool finder nothing you walk it go left right stopping rotation.

I told it want.

Fraud person Sudhakar cheating all customer don't believe he don't receive phone after selling.
Check this address given in pool finder manual try any number all false

Best fraud detector pool finder zeodetect.

Water Detector scam pool finder

Pool finder worst
3dlocators fraud fellows creating rumors on WORLD'S Best PoolFinder Water Detector.

The backend story of 3dlocators and Vysaly Detectors pvt ltd is

Dear customer's beware of this vysaly Detectors, they are selling local made 3dlocators product as Italy made and make customer's big fools by selling at 2.5lacs for this OLA app toy.

Previously these company members prasanth reddy and kartik Srinivas cheated so many unemployed people in mahabunagar district, telangana on the name of Janamitra Associates, they looted around 70lacks and now started as 3dlocators on the name of vysaly Detectors pvt ltd.

More information check In YouTube

PoolFinder Water Detector is the best Result oriented device
Mr.Sudhakar Reddy if you both have business compitition speak about the products what you are dealing with, your plus and minus about your business strategies.

If your problem is with Prashanth you need to discuss and sort out your issue.

When you are blaming about my name don't speak fake comments based on your comment I request you to prove what is janamitra associates and how can you include my name into your scam business.

You sell pool finder or any finder it's not my issue, when you aren't able to compitate with our business learn how to succeed if you keep on barking like this I am ready to take up this into next step.

You see when you have put something called janamitra on my name, you will next see how am gonna take up.

You are unfit for a business man ship.

If any one has got cheated by me contact

Karthik Srinivas

Any customer who feels you have got cheated contact me directly or post here with proof. We are not like hiding dogs we are open to discussion
Lokanath prasanthi's reply, Jul 6, 2019
You don't have face to do business in main line,

Every time you sell your product on others names

Nano Siddani enterprises
3dlocators vysaly Detectors

It's all your team, how can you skip from their scams

All you do jointly
Any customers who have paid for water Detector products and getting cheated by any distributor in India irrespective of place any year, please do contact our phone number +91-[protected]

Customers who are facing service issues, paid advance and got cheated, fake copy products. Product which is sold stating 100% accuracy can contact us.

We are now filing case against fake Distributor please contact immediately.
Don't write without proof.

Only people who have paid and got cheated should contact us with payment receipt.

Sharing this complaint link on all social media platforms help us to clean this industry
I have attached the vysaly Detectors and karthik Srinivas early business is

Check the below photos and media clips,

They cheated 400 unemployed people on the name of Janamitra Associates and jumped away.

Now again came back to Hyderabad and started new cheating on the name of Vysaly Detectors and selling fake 3dlocators product.

Media clips in YouTube at


This black sheep is diverting the discussion.

Here the topic is where in Germany is zeodetect company, why is pool finder not recognized in Germany.

All the Distributors say it is fake product any customer can call and ask.

They have removed you from all the Distribution due to your misbehaviour.

You have cheated customer from Thrissur, Pune and Tamilnadu

All the case files are getting posted here with case number. Customers can check directly.

Pretending to act smart showing some fake janamitra video here.

People know which is truth.
Lokanath prasanthi's reply, Jul 6, 2019
You face less kartik Srinivas

Where is your 3dlocators registered in italy,

You people cheated somany unemployed people earlier with different organizations.

Your part is backend work, how can you skip from Janamitra Associates Scam
Lokanath prasanthi's reply, Jul 6, 2019
Total Telugu States top News Channels clips, you are telling fake.

So indirectly you confirmed you where with that Janamitra Associates team earlier
WaterGel Agri Services's reply, Jul 6, 2019
This is Sudhakar Reddy here from WaterGel Agri Services.

Not like you mr. Karthik Srinivas.

We are openly selling to Customer that PoolFinder Water Detector is my own product.

Not like you

You don't have face or guts to tell that your only manufacturing 3dlocators.

Telling false stories to Customers as Italy made.

And your team back ground super.
Big big scams heros fomed a team and doing 3dloctors
Kartik Srinivas 3dlocators's reply, Jul 6, 2019
Iam dare to say,

Iam only Manufacturing 3dlocators in hosur.
My team vysaly Detectors pvt ltd and siddani enterprises, so what.
Karthikbif's reply, Jul 6, 2019
My I D is displayed clearly as karthikbif.
Mr.sudhakar Reddy atleast learn to form a sentence. By your writing language itself customers can know who wrote this comment.

If they click on the ID they will know who is real Karthik Srinivas.

My Id is karthikbif
My phone number is 8072726831

Any one can check all my posts

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