Dear sravan kumar,
Your payment for the order with reference number 679867 on the merchant website : phci.Org.In has been successfully processed.
For your convenience, we have provided the order information below.
Order information
Merchant website : phci.Org.In
Date :[protected]
Merchant reference number : 679867
Reference No : 74766516327646909421224
Payment mode : visa
Amount : 10000.00
Customer name : Sravan kumar
Customer email : [protected]
Status : success
I have received a call from Nandini (she told as she is Sr manager).
I bought PHCI Platinum Plan - 10, 000 Rs.
She has given me false promises, my hospital bills will be reimbersed with in 2 days.
i have made payment on 22.nov.2016, but till now(09 dec 2016) there is no reply from the PHCI team.
I have submitted all the hospital bills to the PHCI team.([protected]
when i call customer care[protected], once they will tell your money will be reimbused.
if i call second time - money will not be reimbursed.
i am not sure - why they are behaving like this.
I am really not satisfied with PHCI Service.
Please cancel the policy and refund my money.
I have provided my bank detials also in this mail id.([protected]
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