[Resolved]  Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers Federation / Milkfed Verka — I'm complaining about delivery service of milk and other dairy products

Address: HNO.234 vpo birring, Village birring Jalandhar cantt

This is to inform you that I have verka milk agency. Iam writing this complaint regarding verka milk delivery not in time .In summer delivery time is 8.30 am and In winters delivery time was 2.00 am in both seasons delivery not on time . Many times I request verka plant please provide us milk delivery on time so we sell as much as milk and others products and and increase verka milk sale. But on one bother and revert back to us . When I said if you not deliver milk on time then how can we sale and convince customer to buy verka product instead of Amul or other company products . Alots of time I request to them but they replay with rude and harsh words even yesterday they said you closed your agency and furthermore guided us how you can write a letter to verka plant for closed our agency and security refunded. I do not understand why they do this with us . May be backhand they want to promote other company product. Kindly take action against it and its a humble request to you. Please take action as soon as possible.
0576 CODE
PIN - 141005
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Apr 12, 2022
Complaint marked as Resolved 
Take action against delivery issue and plant staff behavior. They talked with us rude words
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    HNO.234 vpo birring, Village birring Jalandhar cantt
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