Punjab State Power Corporation [PSPCL] — Extra charge included in bill

Address: 140507
Website: epayment.pspcl.com/paybill.aspx

Dear Sir,

My account number is Z21UK581668M and i have this domestic electricity meter in Derabassi punjab Disst SAS Nagar

I have noticed from my last 4 bills that some unnecessary expenses included in the bills every month. In my recent bill from 04-NOV-2015 TO 06-JAN-2016. I have consumed 525 units but my billing amount is Rs9480.00, can you please explain why its coming so high, If any addition charges are included please explain me what are these charges are any why they included each month again and again, because my consumption units were very less each month but my bill coming very high. Every time S.O.P/ENERGY CHARGE are included and they are so high

i am sending the images of my latest two bills attached
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