Hello Sir,
I am Yatish Patil one of your customer having following policies:
Policy No[protected]old)Policy No[protected]New)
Due to personal financial reasons, I have held my policy No 1 which was about to lapse in July 2020. Later your employee Mr.Neeraj Singh (Mobile no:[protected]) had contacted me to continue with policy No 1. When I explained to him my financial situation, He suggested to me the solution like to open a new policy and it will be merged with the old policy so that I will get the benefits of both the policies active with the same cost of new policy installments.
It was a pandemic situation period and I wanted to continue my policy no 1, so I agreed. He opened the new policy on 13th July 2020. Then he linked my credit card for paying new policy installments. I got ready to pay by credit card because he assured me that the interest of the credit card if any incurred will be waived off by Reliance Nippon Insurance. But when my credit card started incurring heavy interest on that EMI I contacted the same Mr. Neeraj Singh (Your Employee) and he connected me with his senior Mr. Hemendra (Mobile [protected]). I am also attaching the sms text conversation screenshot that happened with Mr. Hemendra. He suggested I go with a new personal loan and he will help me to get the same with lower interest rates. I trusted them as they were a direct employee of Reliance Nippon Life Insurance and thought they are guiding me for my profit. They helped me to get a personal loan from Karur Vysya Bank Dombivali dated:4th Sep 2020.
As a customer, I believed in Mr. Neeraj Singh (Mobile no:[protected]) & Mr. Hemendra (Mobile [protected]), since they were direct employees of Reliance Nippon Life Insurance and it proved by biggest mistake. I came to know that merging of policies never happens and there is no such provisions. When this was highlighted with Mr. Neeraj Singh, he agreed his mistake verbally of all he did was just to complete his company target. Also, he gave me in writing to refund my loan installments as an attached file with this mail.
To resolve my issue I tried to call him again, then he was not reachable and the mobile number was coming to switch off. And I was shocked to know that it was fraud with me from Reliance Nippon Life Insurance (Mr. Neeraj Singh) and I have been cheated through him and indirectly from Reliance Nippon Life Insurance.
He has not merged my old policy no1 with new policy no 2. So I have lost all the policy 1 benefits now. Again I am now burdened with the interest of both credit card and personal loan. I was not at all interested in new policy no 2, but only started to support and continue policy no 1. But this is of no use now as I lost all the benefits of policy no 1, due to misleading information by your employees Mr. Neeraj Singh & Mr. Hemendra.
Now I have contacted customer care and raised the complaint about fraud with complaint no: [protected]
So please look into the matter seriously and resolve my issue on top priority. If there is more delay or no response to this email complaint, then I would go ahead and file FIR against Reliance Nippon Life Insurance, because it has disturbed me financially and now leading to more emotional stress.
Now my expectation from Reliance Nippon Life Insurance is:
Option A: Transfer all the benefits and amount of Policy no 1 into the new Policy no 2 (Merging of both policies). So that I can continue with only Policy no 2 and also do not lose any benefits or amount of Policy no 1.
Option B: Close my Policy no 2 and refund all my amount that I have paid in both the policies old and new (Policy 1 and 2). Also as committed by your employee Mr. Neeraj Singh refund me the interest incurred on credit card and loan along with all the amount of both the policies.
I have already given request in writing to process Option B and it was accepted by your company with acknowledgement and stamped dated 18th Jun 2021. (Attached file copy & audio clip of same to this mail)
If need any more details from my end then let me know. I hope at least I will get a justified and honest solution from your end without getting any further cheated.
Looking for your positive reply.
Thanks & Regards,
Yatish Patil-[protected]
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