Address: Palakkad, Kerala |
Dear sir,
We shop from your stores and finally we pay the bills we get a very funny question, have you got a carry bag, sir?We say no, and ask why?
We charge you for the carrybags, that is the answer.
Why, i bought a few thousads and why you chare me something funny amount.
Oh, sir that is the company policy
I said very good, givme a carry bag.
They give me a bag of nice colour and printed very nicely .Reliance trends??????????????????
I refused to take it as asked them to give me a plain bag, simple as that.
Why sir,
I am not your advertiser agent., as i pay you give me a plain bag.
Think about it as am a share holder of the company and i feel ashamed of this sort of experiance and the company should change the policy immediately.
I may take up this matter in the consumer protection court if suitatable action is not taken
I feel we the company is cheating the customer by selling the carry bags and making a very easy way of advertising the companny brand name reliance trends.
Further do you mean to put the customer to carry a sack bag while coming to your shop
Really sorry to note Was this information helpful? |
v r from kerala, we often shops from reliance trendz, and in kerala we r trying to use less plastic bags while taking our big shoppers on shoppings.
its our bad experiance that in ur trendz shop the people in billing section even not asking whether we need beg to carry or not ? without asking they billing a plastic cover of rs.6, and when v revert that y u billed this without asking us, he has no answer. ATLEAST YOUR SHOP (BILLING COUNTER) CAN DISPLAY THAT A BAG WILL COST RS.6?-ITS NOT THERE...SO SAD...AS far as v r concern reliance is such an organisation which shoul;d show what shopping is, spaecially with all the nature frindly features...and one more thing it was so shamefull by showing a stupid attitude while making such disturbance in our mind.agreed its not a big thing that not to use plastic bag by me...but as far as i concern its a small step and effort from my side to make our life and our world a better atmosphere.
so plaese consider our suggestions to encourage a shopping without plastic bags, and atleast inform the customer that it will take 6 rs.for a bag, before make billing ...(its not a matter of 6rs...its something more...)
thanking you
muralidhara kamath.v.
kollam, kerala.