Address: Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, 500023 |
Resp Sir,
(pmegp loan application id DITG[protected]
Most Humbly I beg to draw your kind attention in significant matter .
I had applied for pmegp loan of (soft drink )project cost 25 lakhs with my all document online one month before, today i approached central bank of india (rein bazar ) branch manager after instruction from DIC hyderabad authorities, they had called and asked to meet my account holding bank cbi branch manager, where i m maintaning my bank account for the past 7 yrs as intructed today i met br manager and informed about business project & my pmegp application but instead of cooperating, listening me he directly refused to accept my application and asked me to go other banks when i said i had been maintaing my account with your bank why should go other banks ?, and i asked him to give written reason he said he will send mail to dic but he didnt give written reason too .
and this way he has refused my approved application of pmegp .
(sir even he dont know about the pmegp scheme, he asked me what is pmegp scheme )
Honest officer plz help me your my only hope and plz take necassary action against the cbi rein bazar br manager for not accepting my application when it was approved by dic, central authorites ..
kindly do the needful ..
Your faithfully
moizuddin Was this information helpful? |
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