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Reserve bank of india
India's central bank
Attention: mohamed afzal
Deposited of your fund to rbi for transfer to your account.
This is to bring to your notification that your account details was submitted for the transfer of 50, 000 pounds which was brought to us this morning by miss lauren harris from uk and member of the airline official meanwhile this amount has pass through clearance and it has be converted into india rupees before it can be credited into your local account. Your transfer has been activated so that you can transfer your payment to your bank account details.
After our final conversion here is the total amount in india rupees. We received 50, 000 pounds converted to india rupees 44, 58, 750 inr. (Forty-four lakh fifty-eight thousand seven hundred and fifty india rupees inr).
You have been giving a login and password you need to transfer your money by yourself in online transfer from our office. Here is the instruction you need to follow so you won't make any mistake during the transfer.
Visit your login site for your transfer and will have provide you your login and password below
Enter the site below...
Then apply to login
Customer number... Venkat
Password... Jbfkhd
Then you click on confirm by the middle right/ after that you click on transfers to make a transfer
Please follow the instruction below and fill the details for your transfer.
To account number... Apply your account number
Beneficiary name... Apply your account name
Bank name... Apply your bank name.
Swift code... Apply your ifsc code number
Sort code... Nil
Amount to transfer... 4458750
After complete this. Then you click on next after that then you click on confirm by the middle right
Immediately you complete the process the money will be transfer into your bank account and you get back to us as soon as possible.
Mind you,
Please this is your private information do not disclose or discuss it to any body in order not to hack the details from you.
Looking forward to read from you soonest
Your's sincerely,
Mr prakash sharma
Foreign exchange remittance dept
R. B. I, india
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