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+91 22 2266 0500
+91 22 2260 1500
21st Floor, Central Office Building, Shahid Bhagat Singh Marg, Fort, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India - 400001
For that I have sent through NEFT of Rs. 10, 000/- for Booking Money then as per Mr. Aarman's ( Mobile no. [protected] / [protected] ) request over telephone I have already paid all the negotiated tour price of Rs. 51, 000/- by three installments through NEFT.
But I think the Company as well as Mr. Aarman is a fraud person. He mailed me the wrong Trip tenure with false confirmation of Air-ticket and the Hotel Booking. I have several times emailed him and requested to send the actual Air-Ticket, Hotels and Trip Itinerary along with Singapore and Malaysia Visa. But today is 11/12/2018 night, till now they did not sent any documents despite of all payments.
* I would like to request all the travelers and viewers to AVOID this Company as THEY ARE CHEATER !
Now I will have to proceed by legal steps for their FALSE COMMITMENT having received Rs. 51, 000/- .
Serampore, Hooghly, West Bengal