Reserve Bank Of India [RBI] — Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme -

Address: 400602

My name is SUbramanian v. I applied for the issue of the subject scheme early November thru IDBI Bank, Thane Branch.I have received thru Email Cert. No. SGB[protected] - [protected](Investor-ID[protected] alloting 50 gms. I had requested allotment in Demat form (demat Id is IN[protected].) My Demat A/c has not been credited with the subject allotment.I am perturbed about the delay.Pl let me know when it will be carried out. Thanking you Subramanian V
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I have a similar complaint. I applied for the Jan 2016 issue of Sov Gold Bonds through Stock Holding Corp of India and opted for demat credit. Till date I have not received credit in my demat account. SHCIL made enquiries with RBI and they managed to email me a soft copy of the certificate issued in my name. But I dont understand why RBI has not yet given credit in my demat account. Meanwhile the govt announced another tranche in Mar 2016. I wonder if those investors have got their allotment in demat form. Is this the Digital India that the govt has promised to citizens? How long should i wait?
I purchased SGBs on 16 October 2017 through SBI internet banking. Even though amount has been debited from my account, I didn't receive any confirmation from SBI either through SMS or email that I have purchased the specified quantity of bonds. The order ID generated after purchasing gold bonds is:


The amount was debited from my account number:


When I click for the details of my bonds purchased in the enquiry tab it shows a message "Unable to process your request". Also sending u the screenshot of this.

My mobile number in case u want to contact me is:




My name is Meeresh Varshney. I have applied for the issue of the subject scheme in March 2017 thru HDFC Bank Ltd. I have received the Cert. No. [SGB[protected] - [protected]] (Investor-ID[[protected]] allotting 10 units. I had requested allotment in Demat form (Demat Id is [IN[protected]].) My Demat A/c has not been credited with the SGBs allotted till now. Though, subsequent allotments of 20 & 10 units of SGBs are credited to my Demat account as well the interest on these 10 SGBs is credited to my S/B account. I am perturbed about the delay. Pl expedite the credit of SGBs to my Demat account.
Thanking you,
Meeresh Varshney
I have purchased Gold bond in series V during this August 2020 in two reference of 10 + 10 Grams through IOB.
In this regard I had revceived only one cetificate through My Email. For the another one 10 Grqms I have not yet received the certifcate. My ID is[protected]
I have purchased SGB online.
My certificate no is SGB[protected]-[protected] and issue date is 11 august 2020.
My name in certificate is wrong and incomplete.- AJEEV KUMAR AGRAWAL
My name is Swapna Jakkal, I have applied for the SGB scheme through SBI account on[protected] ...till date I have not received any mail regarding the allotment of the units ... the amount is debited from my account ...
Whom should I contact ?
i had paid through icici bank for gold bonds in February'21 but didn't got bonds physically or through bonds .
Bank staff said that this is coming though RBI directly at your residential address but didn't received it till now .
Ref: Sovereign Gold Bonds TR-39 & TR-42, Folder No:[protected] & Application Nos: SGB-7466488 & SGB-7528018 respectively purchased online through ICICIDirect platform.

Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Interest Credit issues regarding both above referenced SGBbonds purchased through ICICIDirect

Above said references. I have purchased two series of Sovereign Gold Bonds – TR39 (Security Code: 25GOLDBND190528) for Rs. 1, 13, 500/-, & TR42 (Security Code: 25GOLDBND110828) for Rs. 1, 32, 100/-, online through ICICIDirect platform on 19th May, 2020 and 6th August, 2020 respectively.

For SGB- TR39 (App. No. 7466488), I received my first Half-yearly interest credit through DD for Rs. 1434.18 on my correspondence address, during January 2021, with almost 3 months of delay. Ideally this should have been credited directly into my ICICI Bank account (No.[protected], as the same was opted for. I fail to understand, in spite of opting for direct interest credit into a bank account, why the DD is issued, which resulted in delay of payment that too with wrong mode. Request you to look into the matter and arrange to credit all future interests directly into my linked ICICI Bank SB account No.[protected].

As regards another bond, SGB-TR42 (App. No. 7528018), it is noticed that in the ICICIDirect statement view, the interest earned as per coupon payment date[protected], is Rs. 1680.58 which is a half yearly interest. However, till date I have not found any credit of this interest amount in my registered ICICI Bank SB account nor any DD is received. Please look into the issue on priority and arrange to credit the above said interest of Rs. 1680.58 into my linked ICICI Bank SB account No.[protected] at the earliest and confirm positively. In future also all credit of interests pertaining to this SGB bond also be directly credited to my ICICI Bank SB A/c. No.[protected].

In the past, I have complained on the email addresses [protected] and [protected], but failed to receive response till date in spite of repeated reminders.

Request your good offices to look into the matter on priority and resolve it quickly.

Await your early positive response.


Ashok Gurunathrao Belurgikar
Email: [protected]
Myself Pratiksha Thapli. I purchased a Sovereign Gold Bond through sbi personal banking on 16th July 2021 for which the allotment was to be done on 20th july 2021 but i haven't received any confirmation regarding the same. The amount has been deducted from my account but i haven't received the allotment confirmation yet.
The order id is SBISG2021197I[protected]. [protected]
Email- [protected]
Myself Phillip Trott. I purchased 15 gm SGB bond under the the SGB Series IV on 3.3.2017 from State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur (Now State Bank of India). Ever since I purchased this it is now 4 and 1/2 year I am running from pillar to post visiting SBI branches and the RBI office at Fort and CBD Belapur with a request to put my certificate in my demat account. But no one seems to be bothered and SBI staff are not knowing how to do it. RBI tells me to visit SBI and SBI tells me to visit HO, HO tells me to visit SGB branch office, SGB branch office tells me to visit the branch from where I had purchased the bond. I visited the branch and they say they do not know where the data of State Bank of Bikaner & Jaipur are kept. They give me one week time and since past two months I am visiting the branch every week and also writing emails to them, but no response.
Investor ID :[protected]
Email : philiptrott.[protected]
Mobile : [protected]

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