Name: nishant narayanbhai chaudhary
At po : medhasan ta. Modasa
Dist: aravall (Gujarat)
Mob : [protected]
The general manager (Dena bank)
Subject: to request sanction loan for pradhanmantri rojgar yojna form
Dena bank medhasan branch (Dist aravalli –gujarat)
Respected sir/ madam
With reference subject cited above i nishant chaudhary with inform you that i
Completed diploma engg. With mechanical and started work in zydus cadila as a
Operator of food processing dept.
Then after i started small business of milk product and slowly slowly it’s
Demand is high but i have no money to develop it. Then after i inspire from
Pradhanmantri rojgar yojna to develop my own business and i encourage myself for
This scheme.
Therefore i applied for pmegp loan then after i passed out interview from
Jilla udhyog kendra aravalli and jilla udhyog forwarded this letter to dena
Bank medhasan branch (Dist aravalli –gujarat) to sanction loan for 10 lack rs.
I often met manager of dena bank from a last month. Finally he visited my
Plant – medhasan regard this loan and he ready to provide this loan with heavy
Condition like to deposit of 5 lacks which simply i can’t afford.
Now sir i have a question that if i have a 5 lacks rupees then why should i
Demand for a loan???
Just recently a camp of dena bank organized at swaminarayan temple
Himmatnagar (Gujarat) where encourage to rural person for a loan by the officers of
Dena bank and another side prime minister also encourage for rural development.
But due to this kind of manager the highly vision of bank are not succeed. It s
Humble request to pls. Accept my prayer.
Prayer : to request pls. Sanction a loan with lightly condition which
Affordable for me and i am waiting for your positive
Thanking youyour faithfully
Nishant chaudhary
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