Bbc international lottery center no: 768 derry wayn wnt. London. England - uk.
Tuesday june 15th
Draw no. 88
Your phone number has won (500, 000.00gdp)
We acknowledge your mail and we are happily announcing to you the draw (2011) of the bbc international lottery program held on the 04th of june, 2011. Your phone number has won!! The draw, which subsequently won you the lottery in the 2nd category i. E. Match6 plus bonus. You have therefore been approved to claim a total sum of £500, 000.00 great british pounds (Gbp).
All participants were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from nine hundred thousand phone number and e-mail addresses from canada, australia, united states, asia, europe, middle east, africa and oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually. This lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomerate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the communities where they have operational base.
You’re details (Phone) falls within our asia representative office in india, you have to send you full details for us to process you winning.
To file for your prize claim do remember to quote the following vital numbers.
Winning details:
Batch number: 01/209/ad16g
Our ref: 12190/14
Amount won: £500, 000.00 great british pounds (Gbp).
We want you to understand that you are to scan and send you’re international passport, drivers license, voters card, working id card or it’s equivalent for the smooth processing and verifications of your winning, you are to send this information that is required from you for processing.
1. Full names : makadiya jatish kumar parsottam bhai
2. Address :46backbon shopping center, mayani chowk chanddresh nagar main road rajkot gujrat (India)
3. Age :23
4. Sex :male
5. Marital status:unmarried
6. Occupation:job (Vision elevator)
8. Tel:[protected]
9. Country :india
Congratulations, you have just won yourself £500, 000.00 in the lottery conducted by bbc uk free lottery organization. Your phone number was amongst those chosen for this year promo (No ticket was sold)
Yours sincerely,
Claims manager
Mr. Evans wood
Tel: [protected]
Bbc promo offer center
A new globe for bbc 1, feb 85. (9k)
Agreement signing, overseen by lord mandelson and witnessed by wen jiabao and gordon brown
Uk bbc lottery sponsor
date: thu, 4 aug 2011 05:24:23 -0500
subject: name and address
from: [protected]@gmail.com
to: [protected]@live.co. Uk
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