As i want to earn money from part time job, i was searching it on quikr portal, there i got rex enterprise whatsapp message to join data entry in their company. They were asked for my id proof and recent photograph, so i clicked my picture on my phone and my voter id, and send it to them (Rex enterprise, whatsapp no. :- [protected]). My task was to complete 1200 forms with a cut off of 1080 forms (90% accuracy) and i achieved that but instead of pay me the amount they asked to pay me rs. 4300 because they accused me that i did not achieved the 90% accuracy, so left the job, they used my name and my photo to make contract without my knowledge.
Now, they are threatening me to pay rs. 7300+28550 and sending me legal notices on my gmail. Its physical and mental harassment to me i am not earning this much amount to pay them.
Please help me
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