I have passed the ll test on 2-2-2021 but have not yet got the ll number
I have successfully passed the online test at the RTO OFFICE, KANNAUJ, UTTAR PRADESH on 09/08/2020. It is more than 18 hrs that i have not got any approval message. My application number is [protected]. Please look into the matter and help me out.
Dear Sir, I have passed LL Test on[protected], but I have not received any confirmation message yet and the status is showing "printing pending". Please take necessary steps so that I can get my learner's license as early as possible
I have successfully passed the learning license test at[protected] but I didn't get my learning license, kindly please help me.
I have passed my LL but no got LL print application status is 'application is under processing at rto level'
Gaurav Singh Fartyal's reply, Oct 20, 2021
Same thing happening with me,
Did your problem solved?
Did your problem solved?
riskes's reply, Mar 21, 2022
did you received it??
I have not received my learner's licence after passing the test. I gave the test on 1st October 2021 and today is 7th October, still haven't received anything. It is still showing Pending Printing in application status
Application number - [protected]
Please give reply asap.
Application number - [protected]
Please give reply asap.
riskes's reply, Mar 21, 2022
what happened did you received it??
I have passed the LL test on[protected] and i still haven't recieved any confirmation message or the LL number . The application status is showing pending of printing of LL license. Kindly help
I have passed the LL test a month ago and i still haven't recieved any confirmation message or the LL number . The application status is showing the application is under processing at rto level. The application status is showing pending of printing of LL license. Kindly help!
I have applied for learner DL license. I have passed the test on 26 April 2023 and 2 weeks after, I am still awaiting for getting it approved from RTO and no comments was there in remarks why is it stuck, When I am trying for download the Learner license directly from the print link, I was unbale to
Application no: [protected]
RTO: Sambhal
Application no: [protected]
RTO: Sambhal
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