Address: Saraswat Thane khopat |
Rohan Powar
Loan id: [protected]
Hello Team,
To all Employees of Saraswat Bank.
I am being harrased by the Thane Khopat Branch Manager, Mr Vinod Dhond (vinod.[protected] for loan repayment. I have already informed him and had given a written request as on January 28th 2021 that I will be paying in full by April or May 2021 with all charges, the email which he did not acknowledged yet but he is sending multiple emails to my company HR for salary deduction. My company has no policy to deduct any wages, so I have been asked to leave as my organisation does not want to get into this matter.
As I am the only earning member in my family, if I leave my job or been asked to leave the organisation, how I will take care of my family and also has medical issues for which my mental and physical health is getting more and more worst now. How I will pay my loan to Saraswat Bank. I just want to let you know that if he send any further emails to my company HR and if I had to leave my job for any such matter. I won't be able to pay a single Rupee towards my saraswat bank loan. Will also file an official complaint against the bank and its employees and banks recovery team. So please look into it as soon as possible. I will be awaiting for your valuable response.
Below attached is the email which is not been acknowledged yet.
Rohan Powar
Loan id: [protected]
[protected] Forwarded message[protected]
From: Rohan Powar
Date: Thu, 28 Jan, 2021, 4:04 pm
Subject: Delayed Repayment / Official Request
To: Vinod Dhond
Mr. Vinod Dhond (BM)
Saraswat Co-operative Bank Ltd
Hi Sir,
Greetings of the day.
This is to confirm that you had visited the property and I was not available. Its already been informed to one of your associates "Mr. Villas Mahajan" when he had last visited, that we actually don't stay there and the house was only rented for keeping the belongings to be safe. I am in and out in that property. It was also informed that, we will be available after 18th March 2021.
Now letting you know officially in writing, due to my health issues and my loss of income, I am not able to pay the dues and also had no relatives or family members or friends for help and had lost most of the things and savings. As I was supposed to get admitted in the hospital but had no enough money so I am getting my self treated in a municipal hospital in kalwa(Shivaji hospital). Which was also informed to Mr. Vilas Mahajan. I have also planned to sell some of my assets and belongings to payoff the loan with your bank "Saraswat Bank Co Ltd"
This is to also to inform you that the bank loan will be paidoff in full no later than April 2021. I have decided to payoff because I don't want any further liability on me or my family which I think I can't pay in instalment or EMI because of health issues it may default in future. I am giving you this in writing because I won't have or would be able to pay anything now.
I am also in search of a property to stay Inn around Thane and will be updating the address soon with the bank. Also will be submitting the official rent agreement for the same for your bank records. Will also be sending the original attested copy to Thane branch with my signatures on it. If required I will also visit the Thane branch by next month.
Kindly consider this as an official written request and will be awaiting for your valuable response.
Rohan Powar
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