I too bought this much touted 1.25 ton sharp inverter ac in 2015 and it has been only one full summer and the indoor pcb is damaged. The service engineer took over a week to confirm that the circuit is available with the company and i have to pay around 6000 to get a new circuit. That is like more than 1/7th of the cost of the ac. What is the point in buying an ac for which i have to pay this much amount within a year span. The reason that the circuit board got damaged is that there is some leakage inside. So whenever the ac is running water starts to leak from within. The engineer did nothing about that. It is still a problem. So even if i buy a new circuit that too will be damaged within a year. Is this the service sharp expects us to believe as best in the market. Feeling so cheated.
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Jul 10, 2017
Updated by soumya_it87 The amount they are asking is around 5000 considering 18% GST.
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