Siti digital cable service is terrible. We constantly keep getting several service interruption errors every single day, lasting from a few minutes to several hours. The customer care service is useless. They direct us to a different telephone number and/or apologize for the inconvenience and let us know to expect a call back from them. They often don’t give us a timeframe on the expected call back unless we ask for it; and even after that we never received a callback on certain occasions. When the service does work, not all the channels are working for which we subscribed for. Lastly, during this coronavirus outbreak, we weren’t able to make an online payment through the siti network website. This is just ridiculous during when we were being told to stay home. I recommend anyone planning on signing up for digital cable tv to look at all the available options. We signed up for this service because of convenience since we’re visiting india. Our monthly payment for the service is rs.600+ monthly.
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