I have come across a very common problem exiting in SONY LED TV W series is that of TCON. In most of the complaints it is coming within 3-4 years time. Which means Warranty period and Customer who have opted for warranty extension then that is also exhausted.
This is strategically planned defect by placing defective product parts which are creating problem around the same time line. Cost of Tcon replacement is 18000 to 20000. Such a beautifully designed game plan by Sony. All the consumer of the W series need to unit on this and demand for replacement of defected Tcon placed in all the W series. If defect has not come till now just wait for 3-4 years exactly from the date of purchase and you will have it, where suddenly your TV will start showing extra colour or lines. Get ready to pay 20000/- and then I am sure they have deployed something else to grab another 20000 for some other part so you basically start paying the cost of TV in 4-5 installment.
Then there technicians will try to put all the blame on your usuage as if this is the only or the first TV that you have purchased in your lifetime and you don't know how to take care of it.
Enough is enough, we need to unit and fight against this money grabbing business and what are we paying for. For the Sony company wrong selection of TCon.
Warm Regards,
Please connect me on my mail id : [protected]@yahoo.com (keep subject line Sony TV W Series ) leave your full details so that we can connect that take legal action. Was this information helpful? |
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