Aug 24, 2017
Updated by yashpal singh chandel The complaint has been marked as resolved. No refund money has been credit into my account as on 24.08.2017. Please instruct SRM University & their concerned bank to check their record with banker who have issued UTR NO.CIUBH[protected]. SBI Chennai Branch of SRM also need to respond immediately.
Sep 04, 2017
Updated by yashpal singh chandel 04.09.2017
Received reply from SRM University below :-
Attachments Aug 26 (9 days ago)
to me
Dear Applicant,
Greetings from SRM University!
Further to your below mail, your money will be refunded by next week.
Thanks for your patience.
Directorate of Admissions
SRM University,
SRM University has committed to refund the money in ext week on 26 Aug 2017, so far as on 04 Sep 2017 no money has been refunded.
Please instruct SRM University to refund the money with without any further delay.
Sep 14, 2017
Updated by yashpal singh chandel Subject : Refund of Admission Fees of
Rs 2, 00, 000/- (Approximately) by SRM
University Chennai in respect of my
son Vishal Chandel (student ID No
is 300897) due to cancellation of
1. The reply received from SRM University on 06.09.2017 is given below :-
Dear Applicant,
Dear Sir,
Greetings from SRM University!
We try to refund your money through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of benefieciery name.
Kindly provide us your correct communication address to send the DD as soon as possible.
Directorate of Admissions
SRM University,
It is surprising that how SRM is adopting delaying tactics to refund money. Earlier they were saying that they have already paid vide UTR NO.CIUBH[protected]. issued on 06 Aug 2017. Now they are saying that refund through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of beneficiary name and asked for address.
I have already intimated the address, now SRM University is required to dispatch the refund by registered post without any further delay. Also they are required to send a copy of draft and registration number etc. But still I have not received refund.
Yashpal Singh
Sep 18, 2017
Updated by yashpal singh chandel Subject : Refund of Admission Fees of
Rs 2, 00, 000/- (Approximately) by SRM
University Chennai in respect of my
son Vishal Chandel (student ID No
is 300897) due to cancellation of
1. The reply received from SRM University on 06.09.2017 is given below :-
Dear Applicant,
Dear Sir,
Greetings from SRM University!
We try to refund your money through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of benefieciery name.
Kindly provide us your correct communication address to send the DD as soon as possible.
Directorate of Admissions
SRM University,
It is surprising that how SRM is adopting delaying tactics to refund money. Earlier they were saying that they have already paid vide UTR NO.CIUBH[protected]. issued on 06 Aug 2017. Now they are saying that refund through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of beneficiary name and asked for address.
I have already intimated the address, now SRM University is required to dispatch the refund by registered post without any further delay. Also they are required to send a copy of draft and registration number etc. But still I have not received refund.
Yashpal Singh
Dear Applicant,
Greetings from SRM University!
Further to your below mail, your money has been refunded already on 5 August 2017, kindly check your account.
Directorate of Admissions
SRM University,
2. No refund money has been credit into my account as on 25.08.2017. I have also checked with SBI Helpline on 25.08.2017 they told me that it is shown as not available against the UTR:CIUBH[protected] and advised to contact SRM University/issuing Branch. Branch Manager SBI Tagore Garden has already told that his branch has not received the UTR.
3. I have requested SRM University the following but response is awaited :-
(a) Name of the banker who has issued UTR:CIUBH[protected] on 05 Aug 2017
(b) Means of transfer NEFT/RTGS
(c) Issued in favour of which A/C
son Vishal Chandel (student ID No
is 300897) due to cancellation of
1. The reply received from SRM on 06.09.2017 is given below :-
Dear Applicant,
Dear Sir,
Greetings from SRM University!
We try to refund your money through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of benefieciery name.
Kindly provide us your correct communication address to send the DD as soon as possible.
Directorate of Admissions
SRM University,
Ph: 044 27417410/11
It is surprising that how SRM is adopting delaying tactics to refund money. Earlier they were saying that they have already paid vide UTR NO.CIUBH17217009002. issued on 06 Aug 2017. Now they are saying that refund through NEFT but the money returned back to us, so we have taken DD in favor of beneficiary name and asked for address.
I have already intimated the address, now SRM University is required to dispatch the refund without any further delay. Also they are required to send a copy of draft and registration number etc.
Yashpal Singh