I orderd my order on September 13, 2021
it's been 2 months since then. I haven't received my order. It's 21 Nov. 2021 and it's showing RTO declares. Customer Care is not receiving call and I am getting no answer from the website. My order ID is #5111660. Give me my refund.
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Dec 29, 2021
Complaint marked as Resolved
Street Style Store customer support has been notified about the posted complaint.
Verified Support
Nov 27, 2021
Street Style Store Customer Care's response Hi,
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused. We would like to inform you that we have initiated your refund for order #5111660 and it will be reflected in your account within 5 to 7working days.
Please mark this case as "Resolved" if you find that the query is resolved from our end.
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